Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Prayer Request 8/27 - 9/2

As China grew richer, its people began to yearn for sophisticated smartphones, fresher food, and better health care, thus creating vast business opportunities for Western companies. Last year, China imported more than $22 billion worth of medical devices. We praise the Lord for the prosperity China has enjoyed. We pray for the Lord's mercy, that the believer's spiritual lives are not corroded by materialism and their faith in God will not diminish, and that churches will stand strong in times of testing and suffering. 
As China expands its social safety net and faces pressure to treat an aging population growing increasingly susceptible to chronic diseases, China will spend $1 trillion on health care annually by 2020. The aging trend of the churches in China is perhaps inevitable. We ask the Lord for an extra measure of grace for all elderly believers, raising up more volunteers who are retired, physically able and have a passion to minister to the older members in the churches. 
In its time of great growth, China has often outstripped its ability to identify corruption or enforce its own laws. In some segments of its economy like health care, this has created a culture of bribery and corruption.Christians always feel helpless or stay distant from the issue of social corruption. We pray that there will be more believers to pray for their country and their leaders, as James 5:16 says: "The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective."
The nearly 1.4 billion people in China ultimately pay the price of rampant corruption. Salespeople have inflated prices for imported medical equipment to fund bribes and kickbacks. They have also refused to undercut each other's pricing, inflating prices for hospitals by fifty percent or even more. We pray that believers will see the urgent need to evangelize actively because only the gospel is the power of God that can change people's hearts and thus transform society. 
Last year, China imported more than $22 billion worth of medical devices. Foreign companies dominate the market for CT scanners, M.R.I.s and other equipment that China needs to detect cancer and other chronic diseases. We pray that God will keep believers from falling into temptation and evil. The Holy Spirit reminds us all that we need the uncompromising spirit of Joseph and Daniel. We also pray for church leaders that they will fear God, have integrity and not be greedy.
Corruption is endemic in the health care sector in China, one factor is the lower salaries for doctors and health care administrators compared with their counterparts in the private sector. There is a saying that "The reason Chinese people do not take bribes is that they have not had the opportunity". May the Lord grant us His righteousness and help us to say away from deceit and treachery and enable us to be more Christ-like, to bear witness for Him, and speak boldly for His truth.
Over the years, officials in China and other countries have been trying to eliminate corruption, especially in the medical system. Patients need to bribe doctors and hospitals just to see a specialist. Ultimately, it is the patients who pay much more for these practices. Believers must be a powerful testimony for Jesus by living out the way of the gospel. We pray that all Christians will have such influence, especially those who are healthcare workers and teachers. 

經濟增長的同時也帶官僚腐敗。在一些行業中比如醫療保健,就已經形成了一種行賄和腐敗的文化。基督徒面對社會種種腐敗現象總有無可奈何的感受,或者避而不談。求主興起更多信徒為自己的國家以及領袖懇切禱告。誠如提摩太前書2:1-2 "我勸你,第一要為萬人懇求、禱告、代求、祝謝;為君王和一切在位的,也該如此,使我們可以敬虔、端正、平安無事地度日。"
14億的中國老百姓默默承擔着的腐敗代價 。為了支付賄賂和回扣,銷售人員故意提高醫療設備的定價,還拒絕削價競爭,導致醫院為設備支付的價格高出50%,甚至更多。為了社會真正的公義能彰顯,求主感動更多信徒積極傳揚福音,因為福音是神的大能,能夠改變人心。聖靈來叫世人為罪、為義、為審判,自己責備自己。
中國去年進口了總值超過220億美元的醫療設備 ,為了檢測癌症和其他慢性疾病,中國亟需電腦掃描機、核磁共振掃描儀等相關設備,而外國公司主控著這塊商機十足的市場。願聖靈提醒我們要有像約瑟和但以理的心志,正直純良不向俗世妥協。也求主不叫我們遇見試探;救我們脫離凶惡。我們更為教會的領袖有敬畏神、正直的心和不貪戀錢財禱告。
中國的醫療保健行業普遍腐敗,原因之一是與私營部門的同齡人相比,醫生和衛生保健管理人員的工資偏低。有人說:「沒有收賄賂的人是因為他們還沒有機會。」求主賜我們有公義正直和清潔的良心,不做詐騙取巧的事。 更是能效法主耶穌,為真理作見證,大膽為真理發聲。

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