Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Prayer Request 2/5 - 2/11

In the past two decades, hundreds of thousands of young Chinese have studied abroad every year. Some of them became Christians, but less than 20% of those who returned to China have continued to worship and study the Bible. A whopping 80% of the returning Christians have stopped their practice of faith. We pray for good soil for the seed of the gospel to grow, and for more effective discipleship to prepare the new converts in coping with the trials and temptations they will face back in China.
It is difficult for those who became Christians abroad to adapt back to China because the lifestyles are radically different. The longer they stay abroad, the more integrated and shaped by their foreign peers they become. Their life-styles preferences, language, and the idea of liberty and value of human rights are all changed.We praise God for the efforts of local churches to reach out to Chinese students, and pray the Lord gives them much fruit and continues to strengthen the new converts with solid spiritual food so they know the will of God fully before they return.
After studying abroad and returning to China, students discover that their lives, tastes, convictions, and identity are incompatible with the locals. Even the Christian returnees find it difficult to fit in with churches in China. Many believers who return are not mentally prepared for and do not know how to keep their faith in the difficult times they face. We beseech God to provide them mature believers to mentor and guide them, helping these spiritual infants by giving practical advice and encouraging them to grow in the Word of God.
After many years of persecution, people in the churches of China are often skeptical of people who claim to be Christians but are outside of their own system and do not welcome them into their churches. At the same time, people returning from abroad have high expectations for the churches they are going to and hope to find a church that is equally warm and welcoming as those they found overseas and invariably they are disappointed. We ask the Lord for mercy and to raise up people who are willing to better prepare these young Christians who are going back to China so they will make a good connection with believers there and reduce the tragic loss of so many newborn believers.
Young Christians who return to China from abroad find it difficult to make new Christian friends or even feel accepted by a church there due to their age, education, and social status. Usually, they will give up after visiting two or three churches that all cause them to feel the same way. For returnees to continue in faith, they must have a close-knit group of Christian friends to support each other and be able to trust and accept one another. We pray for more believers in China who can care for and encourage the young believers who have recently returned from abroad.
Many of the believers who return from abroad to China attend the open church for the first month after they get back. Then they become very busy, often working overtime at their jobs. Since they do not have Christian friends, they quickly give up their faith. We ask the Lord to give every believer who returns to China the spirit of Daniel and his friends so they will not defile themselves but have the courage to refuse any demand that is contrary to their faith. May God raise up disciples among them who will love Him and be passionate about the spiritual condition of other returnees.
There are great differences between churches in China and those abroad. It is impossible and unreasonable to measure the churches in China with the expectations for overseas churches. However, the majority of the young Christians returning home do not realize this fact. We ask the Lord to give wisdom to the overseas church and help many returnees to get connected with suitable churches before moving back. We pray, too, that God will raise up believers in China to care for the very new and young believers.
國內和國外的教會有極大不同,期望國內教會像海外的一樣是不可能也不合理的。可是絕大多的年輕海歸信徒卻不明白這樣的現實。 求主賜海外教會有恩典和智慧,能預先為回國信徒取得合適國内教會的聯絡。求主也興起國內信徒有恩慈為主來關心在海外信主的幼苗。

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