Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Prayer Request 11/27 - 12/3

China's government has imposed many religious restrictions in the past. The new rulings further these restrictions and are tightly enforced. Several churches in Henan have banned minors (18 years old and under) from attending church and some have canceled youth worship. We believe that God will protect His church and the faith of all the young ones in the church. We pray that God will use parents and others in the church, with new ways to encourage young people to love the Lord and serve as their example in service.
China is especially sensitive about the following groups coming in contact with religions: the Communist Party members, minors and college students. In the past two years, Party members were repeatedly warned against believing in any religion, this is now strictly enforced. For millenniums, Christian faith has continued, not dependent on the efforts of churches but by the teaching and parental modeling. We pray for godly friends for the young believers and children of believers, to seek holiness together and to encourage one another in loving the Lord.
In the past few years, house churches have debated whether to register with the government and become a legal meeting point (not a legitimate church). Now, registered churches are required to comply with the new and stricter religious regulations. Many if not most of the house churches worship in a rented apartment. The new regulations impose a heavy fine on the landlords, which will likely force them to cancel the leases and evict the churches. We pray for faith and courage for all churches in this predicament, so they will find ways to adapt.
In banning the minors from entering churches, China’s government is equating churches with places of prostitution because it stipulates that no minors can enter a place of worship or participate in any form of religious activity. China’s law forbids converting anyone under the age of 18, but the new religious regulations go further and ban minors from entering churches. May the Lord have mercy on churches in China, through these seeming setbacks, finding ways to witness even in difficult political circumstances.
As the new religious regulations are implemented, it, in reality, gives the local official control over the approved religious organizations. Pastors were arrested for violating just one of the many regulations. Since 2018, some churches were closed because mothers carried babies into the church worship service. The mood of Christians in China can change because the official religious policy can change overnight. The Lord reminds us all that we should never boast in the numbers of church attendance and the beautiful structure, but rather trust Him only with greater faith.
Christianity has expanded rapidly in China, but the growth is uneven in some ways. Zhejiang, Henan, Jiangsu, Anhui, Fujian are the so-called Christian provinces where there are many believers. Therefore, local officials in charge of religious affairs there are under some pressure to enforce the new religious regulations. We pray for all churches in these five provinces, asking God to open a way for them and that they will have joy even in persecution. Through these difficulties, comes new opportunity and even greater fervor to be His witness.
The Chinese authorities have tightened Internet control, restricted especially online selling of Bible. Of the sacred text of China's five major religions, only the Bible cannot be sold in public which reflects the long-standing opposition to limiting Christianity. The Bible asks us to pray for those in power. We know our God is on the throne and in control of the hearts and minds of all authorities. God will cleanse His church, reveal His purpose and magnify Himself in what we do for Him.

令人遺憾的新規定是將宗教等同於色情製品,並規定任何未成年人士都不得進入禮拜場所或參加任何形式的宗教活動。中國的法律一直不許可向十八歲以下人士傳教,而新宗教政策再進一收緊 ,禁止十八歲以下人士進入宗教場所。求主額外施恩給中國教會,在這艱難時刻,禱告先於行動,切切仰望主,剛強壯胆,在困境中繼續為主發光。

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