Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Prayer Request 2/13 - 2/19

Among China’s urban churches, there are believers of all backgrounds, but they are clearly younger and more educated now. Every church has these groups: college students or young intellectuals or professionals, middle age or older believers, retirees and migrant workers. We pray for urban church leaders having vision and good strategies to minister to the diverse groups of church members, each having its own special needs, but able to care for them well as a good shepherd.
In China, college students and young intellectuals are more open in making contact with churches and even attend services. Often, they are open to the Gospel when they search for answer of their difficulties in lives. Churches in China needs a new generation of pastors who understand and minister to the college students. In the meantime, we pray for these young seekers and believers will have patience, humility and willingness to serve in church.
In China, urban churches are younger and more educated because of large number of college students and graduates joining. Overall quality has improved too as young people grow spiritually, getting involved in serving and even willing to serve full time as pastors. We praise the Lord for these intellectuals becoming pastors and able to minister to a vastly more educated believers now. We pray that the Lord guard their hearts of serving, not merely by their gifts and strength, but rather by faith and with prayer.
In China, some of the intellectuals in church are professionals with good-paying jobs and respectable status. But, they are generally busy and not likely to be involved in church. At present this group is mainly made of people who had education abroad. Those believers who had exposure to churches overseas, often have difficulties with the lack of transparency and highly authoritative administrative style of churches in China. We pray for them as they adjust with humility, not judging deliberately, but willing to serve in church.
A small number believers in urban churches in China are the returnees. Since the economic reform and opening up 30 years ago, about 160,000 Chinese students have returned after receiving education abroad. Many of them have become Christian while in foreign countries. They do have certain influence because of their ability in contributing financially, but they have certain issues in mixing well in their local church. Let us pray for them specifically, the Lord connect them with mature believers who can spur them to grow spiritually and willing to submit to their church leadership.
Among the urban churches in China, there is also a large group of middle and older believers, they are mostly retirees, many grew up in Christian homes and have been a believers all their lives. Often, they are more pious and firm in their faith. We pray for these Christians so they will be greatly used by God in their churches, serving Him with time and their spiritual knowledge. The Lord use them especially in caring of fellow believers and helping pastor in visitation.
Among the urban churches in China, some are relatively new believers. They come to know the Lord because of relatives or friends who have shared the Gospel with tem. There are also some who were baptized while they visited their children abroad. We pray for these new believers so they will continue to mature in the Word of God and stay fervent, begin to serve in church, and begin to lead others to Jesus Christ with the powerful testimonies of their transformed lives.

中國改革開放以來,約有 16 萬人回國,是所謂的海歸。這批人中有不少在國外時成爲了基督徒。 這部分人在國內城市教會的整體人數還不多,但具有一定的影響力,在經濟方面的奉獻也比較多。海歸的信徒在們在全面融入教會方面還存在一定的問題,我們求主預備成熟的信徒,成為生命成長的良師好友,激勵他們靈命繼續成長,也能尊重順服傳統中國式教會領導。

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