Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Prayer Request 1/30 - 2/5

A significant number of young Chinese have become dispirited and embrace an attitude known on social media as "sang", after a Chinese character meaning "funeral" that describes being dispirited. We pray especially for young people from Christian families, so they will trust God to lead and guide their future and believe that He has a great plan for their lives.
Some of the young people in China are embracing the "Sang" culture which is a kind of defeatism. They feel they are doomed to fail no matter how hard they try which is totally different from the optimism displayed during China's double-digit economic growth in previous decades. We pray young people will be stirred up and wanting to be used by God. that they will let no one despise their youth, but in speech, action, love, faith, and cleanliness, be an example to all. (1 Timothy 4:12)​
The "Sang Culture" is a silent rebellion of young people in China against the ethos of contemporary urban thinking which tells them to achieve their goal not matter the cost. Officials are alarmed and openly forbid this kind of defeatist sentiment since it goes against what the Communist Party preachers--work hard and be optimistic. We pray ​that young believers will commit their lives to God knowing that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and a sure path to the goals they desire.
In China, the average starting salary for college graduates dropped by sixteen percent in 2017 to 4,014 yuan ($835. US) per month. The competition for jobs is fierce since a record eight million graduated from universities there--nearly ten times the number in 1997. ​Many college students professed faith in Jesus but after they graduated, they stopped attending church. Some have even blamed God for not providing a job for them. May God bring many more college students to salvation through Bible studies and help the young converts know the true cost and the joy of following Jesus,
Owning a home is a nearly universal aspiration in China, but is is increasingly difficult to buy property in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. Skyrocketing rent prices have also forced many young people to live at the edge of the city and spend a long time commuting daily.​ We pray for the spiritual growth of all young believers. May God give them spiritual mentors who help them to be an example in conduct and serving others in love and faith.
Chinese people are getting married later and later. Finding a good paying job and saving enough to buy an apartment are key reasons. In Nanjing, a major eastern city, the median age for first marriages rose to 31.6 last year, from 29.9 in 2012. ​We pray that God will add more young people to churches, giving their leaders new vision and strategies​ and helping them to make adjustments and change in their approach to situations there so they will be able to better minister to young people.
Nearly half of the elite "sea turtles", those who return after studying overseas, earned less than 6,000 yuan a month in 2017. Such wages are not much better ​than those locally trained college graduates received, ​given the great expenses of their foreign education. ​Churches and parents still wrongly equate success to having a good paying job. We pray that young people will have a passion to serve and be willing to dedicate their lives to God.

不少中國大城市的年輕人,不再盲目相信進步和成就能帶來一切,個人前途更灰暗不明。這種沮喪和無力感如今在中國有了一個新名詞 — 喪。我們特別為信徒家庭的年輕人禱告,願神幫助他們知道如何面對各方面的壓力,願意將自己的人生交托給祂,並深信神必指引他們一生的道路。
「喪文化」就是「不論我如何努力,我也無法成功!」充份表達了青年人對前途的悲觀與放棄。這與過去中國經濟急速時期的樂觀形成鮮明對比。 求主感動教會中年輕一代,有讓主使用的火熱,相信神必會引領他們的一生滿賦價值。「不可叫人小看你年輕,總要在言語、行為、愛心、信心、清潔上,都作信徒的榜樣。」提前4:12

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