Friday, December 29, 2017

Prayer Request 12/26 - 1/1

Outside of China, it is common to hear the incorrect notion that government is bent on persecuting churches. Another misconception is that open and house churches are archenemies. The unpredictability of official policy toward churches is a sure thing in China. We pray for wisdom and grace for all the unregistered urban churches. We pray for their ministries to grow unhindered.
During the time of the destruction of crosses in Wenzhou, no churches were shut down. This was a government warning to churches not to gloat with giant crosses on top of their big church buildings. We pray that churches will not show off their buildings and wealth. We pray for good works be the salt and light of their community.
In the past, there was the notion that house churches and government churches were enemies. Today, more dialogues and interactions between these two are taking place. We pray for growth and effective ministries for all churches in China, government and house churches alike. We praise God for their vibrant growth and ask the Lord for His continuing favor to increase their numbers.
Currently, politics are not the major problem facing urban churches. The most urgent question for these churches is whether they should be on their own as an independent church or to join other churches as a federation. Many churches in China have started to emphasize and distinguish their own theology. To this extent, other churches are considered Biblically wrong. May the Lord give us all His humility, heart and mind of unity in Christ.
The Chinese government tolerates the large churches in big cities that claim hundreds of believers. They worship publically but are not registered with the government, thus they are illegal churches. We give thanks for these large churches in China. We pray that their love for the Lord will increase, maturing governing structure, and active community involvement will be the model for all churches.
It is actually a huge task for the government to monitor, control, and close down urban churches in China, especially given their rapid growth. The Chinese government is very specific with that churches about not having financial ties to foreign entities. We pray for the protection and fruitfulness of works carried out by all foreign churches and mission agencies.
“Left behind” children is a social issue that is impossible to solve. First, rural parents need to go to cities to find work out of necessity. Then, the cost of education and living is so expensive in the cities and force the parents to leave their children behind. We pray for parents who are believers ​but are emotionally distant or even have very little communication with their children. May the Lord heal their brokenness in the relationship so they can once again fulfill their God-given role and duty.

中國目前的“留守兒童”是非常難以解決的社會問題。因為首先絕大多數父母在本地沒有發展的機會,都是迫於無奈必須外出打工,藉以改善生活 。接著是,城市裡生活成本太高,特別是教育和住房對外來人口的限制,使得父母無法把孩子帶出去。 我們要為信徒父母禱告,許多人跟子女的關係不親密、疏遠、甚至沒有聯絡。求主賜下親子關係的醫治,使家庭能回復至神所設定的角色與責任。

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