Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Prayer Request 10/10 - 10/16

Although Western China has seen a lot of development in recent years, college students still choose to remain in the big cities in the East after graduation. This is a major reason why churches in Western China find it difficult to establish a stable group of younger believers and a team of coworkers. It is natural to seek a job in good places. We pray for raising up of church workers who will follow His calling and be willing to stay in places not necessarily the most developed and may the Lord richly bless their dedication and their families!
In recent years, Beijing has sponsored the ambitious economic program to "Develop Western China". At the same time, we hope that churches will see the great potential for them in the West of China as well as the great spiritual need of the region. We pray that churches in Eastern China will see the West as a great field ready for harvest and be willing to support their less fortunate counterparts there with short term mission teams and financial assistance.
Ningxia, a province in north-central China has nearly 3,000 mosques, but only a handful of Christian churches. In the capital Yinchuan, there is only one Bible study fellowship among all the colleges there. There is definitely a great need for the gospel there. We pray that churches in China will not only see the spiritual need of Han Chinese in western China, but also the seemingly more difficult task of sharing the Gospel with the Hui people there.
China’s leader called for all Communist Party members to fight the infiltration of foreign influence through religious means. This is obviously in reference to Muslims in Xinjiang but also includes all Christian churches, especially the unregistered house churches. May the Lord have mercy on His churches and give both mainland overseas church workers wisdom to cope with any ever-tightening rules and continue the good work. We pray for churches that are debating whether to register with the government or remain "illegal".
China's leaders have called for its members not to be involved in religion. Members of the Communist Party must be truly Marxist and atheists. This worries many because they think it is a sign that the government will further tighten its grip on religious activities. We pray for people who are members of the Party but are afraid to profess their faith in Jesus for fear of being disciplined or losing their benefits or retirement allowance. May the Lord strengthen their faith and increase their love for Him.
In China, authorities have tightened regulations in several provinces concerning the safety of children left behind while their parents go to work in the cities. Tens of thousands of children are left in rural villages and are abandoned, abused, or uncared for by their guardians. May the Lord protect and grant safety to the millions of "left-behind" children, move the local churches to look after their spiritual needs, and help them experience the warmth of Christian love offered by the church people.
In China, many children of believers attend Sunday School when they are small, but drop out after a few years. This is why teachers of Children's Sunday school have an important role and task in exposing and guiding the children to learn the Biblical truth. May the Lord raise up more dedicated teachers, provide them with solid training so they can have a deeper understanding of Christian educational concepts, and be able to make good use of the teaching materials in grooming future leaders.

中國當局加緊了留守兒童的安全規範。在幾個省份裡有上萬名留守兒童在農村沒有監護人,遭受家庭暴力,甚至被遺棄。 願神保護這些留守兒童們的安全,並感動當地的教會能有效介入,關心他們屬靈的需要,幫助他們在基督裡能體驗主的愛與溫暖。

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