Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Prayer Request 8/8 - 8/14

The foreign media reports that God is doing amazing things in China by raising up people who love God among people in the Three-Self churches--many brothers and sisters who love God deeply and want to serve Him. Give thanks for all of these churches that are experiencing this revival of the Holy Spirit. It is our prayer that their fervor and commitment to God will be long-lasting and will impact their churches.
In the past, every sermon that the pastor preached in a Three-Self church had to be approved by government authorities. Topics concerning healing, miracles, signs and wonders were out of the​ question but it isn't that way any more. People today have accepted these topics.
In the past young people in China were not allowed to attend the open churches so there were mostly old women who went. Preaching about the power of the Holy Spirit was forbidden as well as preaching about the end times and repentance.​Praise the Lord for the wonderful report of the good news among Three-Self churches. May the fire of revival burn in all churches in China, not only in cities but also in villages and towns.
The Holy Spirit is transforming lives of church members in the Three-Self churches in China. Exciting reports of cell groups expanding, more people attending church, and more people going outside of the church walls into society keep coming in.​Praise the Lord! Prosperity and busyness of city living have made many believers lukewarm in their faith. May the Spirit of the Lord stir the hearts of many, convicting them to commit to the Lord even more.
Open churches and most official Three-Self churches have the advantage of being able to be involved in charitable work in the community. Some of them operate orphanages and care centers for the elderly and even yearly camps for students. We lift our prayers for these churches that are able to serve their communities with orphanages, care centers for the elderly, and education camps. May the Lord use these venues to give them people who will accept Jesus as their personal Savior.
Revival is happening in some of the Three-Self churches in China. In some of the bigger churches in major cities long lines form of people waiting to get into the services and some churches baptize hundreds of people regularly. We must give God the glory for His mighty work. We pray for revival for churches in China whether they are Three-Self or house churches, especially churches in villages.
The number of Christians in China is growing rapidly especially among Three-Self churches. It means Christ is starting to play an active role in China’s society and that’s good in many ways. ​We pray that Christians whose lives have been transformed by Jesus Christ will be bold in sharing the gospel with others, that churches in China will no longer be marginalized and that they will even have an impact on society.​

感謝主!許多在三自教會中聚會的肢體, 也經歷了聖靈的工作, 生命因此改變了,細胞小組一直增長,也有更多慕道朋友被吸引。城巿的繁忙生活和富裕,易使不少信徒對主的心漸漸冷淡,願主的靈攪動人心,願意更親近主,明白在這個世界上,什麼也不能擁有,唯有與神的關係,可以帶進永恆。
中國的基督徒人數正在快速增加。當達到一個比例之後, 基督徒更能在的社會中扮演重要的角色。求主幫助生命被主轉變的信徒,讓他們能大膽地傳講主耶穌的福音。也求主幫助教會不再是被社會邊緣化的群體,而是能在世界當中發揮巨大而深遠影響力的光和鹽。

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