Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Prayer Request 7/25 - 7/31

In China, believers in cities come from all walks of life. Urban Christians are likely to have a ​more​ sustained, widespread and far-reaching impact on society than their counterparts in the villages. We specifically pray for Christians at management level in companies. If they can apply their faith in their daily interaction with their employees, through their life testimonies, they can leave a favorable impression of Christianity among their workers.
In China, some business owners and managers provide management training for their employees using Biblical concepts, some even invite pastors to give talks on issues of relationship. We pray that every Christian worker will become a great testimony for God, through their good interpersonal relationships, praise-worthy work performance,​ and​ bringing​ the gospel to people who would never enter a church.
In China, urban churches are often in busy districts and the church buildings are often already a source of fascination and mystery to people walking by. Yet, most churches in the cities refuse to let visitors come in for a tour. We pray church leaders will find some creative ways to attract people into ​their churches, even organize people who serve as tour guide​s​ and answer questions as a way of evangelistic outreach.
Urban churches in China have better financial and organizational​ resource​s than those in the rural areas,​ and​ some of them are even able to plan and carry out large-scale charity or relief efforts in their cities. We pray that churches in China will always be a​ shining light in their communities, able to mobilize their members to be active in relief efforts, helping the​ disabled and elderly, living out the compassion of Jesus Christ.
In China, some churches in cities have helped the poorer churches​ in the villages, sending pastors and people to preach and to train​ the people there​. Often, they also take books, curriculum and needed materials with them. We praise the Lord how city churches can help churches in villages, blessing them even by becoming a sister church to them, providing the resources and support they need.
By 2012, half of China's population will live in cities. However, China's urbanization has lagged in its industrialization. Rural land is now under city control and being developed, but much of the infrastructure has lagged behind. We pray for wisdom as churches must cope with the shifting of residents from villages into cities, and the continuing erosion of rural church attendance. At​ the same time, churches in cities must have strategies to attract and keep rural believers now living in cities so they are not lost to follow-up.
In China, the process of massive urbanization has exposed a huge gap of inequality between urban and rural residents--the so-called hukou system. Historically, there is no dialogue, connection, or exchange of any kind between urban and rural churches in China.​ We pray more urban churches will care​ for​ and help preachers and believers in rural areas. Too many urban churches want to do world mission​s​ but ignore the need of gospel in villages only an hour or two away from their church.

一般公開的城市教堂都處於市區的繁華地帶,矗立的教堂本身就對普通市民具有神秘感和吸引力, 但是許多教堂總是拒絕一般的參觀者。求主賜教會領袖靈活開放,有智慧吸引更多人進入教會,並能把握傳福音的好機會。
當前中國城市化發展造成「城市和農村戶籍」之間的不公平。實際而言,農村教會和城市教會並沒有什麽真正的溝通與交流。 求主興起更多城市教會來關心幫助貧窮農村的傳道人和信徒,而不是只喊著普世宣教,竟然忘卻了在一、兩小時路程以外,自己本身同胞手足的福音需要。

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