Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Prayer Request 6/13 - 6/19

Beijing keeps a watchful eye on the development of culture and the arts, and anything too hip or interesting gets shut down. In Korea, by contrast, artists and entertainers thrive in a space that is highly commercialized but also quite free of interference by the state. Churches in China emphasize tradition and conformity. Let us pray they will stay culturally relevant and not disconnected from society. We pray that many churches will make it their priority to reach out to young people.
Korean culture has deeply influenced all of Asia and especially the young people. The popularity of Korean drama has extended to the movies, music, and even food in China. In contrast, the only part of Chinese culture that has been exported is the Kung Fu movies. Churches in China boast of ​having millions of believers. We pray they will soon have a great impact for God's kingdom in the world but first they must become a shining testimony for the Lord in China.
The "Korean Wave" profoundly affects both the entertainment and education industries in China. The Korean fever first started when the Hunan Satellite TV Company ran the soap opera "Dai Jang Geum". Korean movies are also very popular in China. The contribution and influence of Korean Christians to the church in China is deep and profound. We praise God for all the seminaries and training centers supported by Korean churches. We thank the Lord, too, for Korean praise music which is especially popular among young Christians in China.>
When the Korean fever swept through China, many actors and directors openly criticized the trend. Recently, Chinese government has clamped down on anything Korean. The majority of leaders in the Chinese churches are either ignorant of or antagonistic to popular culture which makes it difficult for churches to attract and engage young people. We pray that churches will be more open and accepting of present-day life so sinners can feel loved by the Body of Christ.
South Korea, which has a population of only twice that of Shanghai, could capture all of Asia and reap a huge profit in the process. K-pop concerts in both Hong Kong and mainland China are very lucrative and Korean artists are well-positioned to sell their wares in the world's largest music market--China. Korean influences are evident in churches in China, especially in the cities and among college students. There are close to eight thousand Korean missionaries in China. We pray for their ministries that the Lord will give them much good fruit and a large harvest.
In its early years, the ​"Korean Wave​" didn't seem to be so imperialistic as American culture but more recently there has been a backlash from a loud minority of the people. This year China passed a law limiting the amount of foreign programming that can be shown on television. Historically, Chinese youth have not seen churches as friendly or welcoming. In the majority of churches it is hard to find any young people. We pray that more churches will put forth the effort to attract young people. We also ask the Lord to change the biased attitude many church leaders have toward young people.
The ​"Korean Wave​", far from seeming to be a benign export from a non-threatening country, is now commonly described as an "invasion" as though it were a sort of mental Asian carp that is clogging the minds of young Asians. Many Chinese youth adore and imitate the looks and fashions of K-pop artists. Young Chinese Christians badly need mentors who provide role models of faith. We pray there will be many more mature believers who see this unmet need and step up to inspire young people​ to serve.

南韓還不到上海人口的兩倍,竟能捉住全亞洲的心,也知道如何飽賺亞洲人的錢。 K-POP演唱會,在香港和中國大陸非常賣座,場場爆滿,深深地佔據著全世界最大的音樂市場 — 中國。在中國教會裡, 韓國的影響力也處處可見,尤其在城市和大學生事工中。在中國大概有近八千位韓國宣教士,我們來為他們的事工禱告,求主幫助他們撒種與收割,更為神栽培出更多願意一生委身事主的人。
韓流在過去似乎被視為是一種良性的進口,但是近來有不少人認為是韓國文化的侵略,霸佔了年輕亞洲人的腦袋瓜。許多中國年輕人風靡崇拜及模仿韓國藝人的的外觀與時尚。年輕中國信徒迫切需要信仰的榜樣與屬靈的導師。求主興起成熟的信徒,幫助年輕人堅固信仰, 激勵年輕信徒忠心委身並服事,又活出耶穌基督的生命,把更多年輕人引到主面前。

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