Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Prayer Request 4/11 - 4/17

In China, there is a widespread negative attitude toward Japan. Fewer than ten percent of the people think that Japan can be trusted and many young people who have had no experience with the wars still bear a strong hatred toward Japan. We pray that young Christians in ​China will understand what Jesus taught us about compassion and be able to live it out. He said, "Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them." Matthew 5:44
In China, the patriotic education and propaganda of the government in the schools enforces a strong critical view of Japan politically so it is not easy to know how entrenched these resentful attitudes really are. The inability to overcome a nationalistic hatred toward Japan is truly a stumbling block​ to spiritual growth in the churches in China. May the Lord help each of us to "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21
To most students in China, Japan is not only seen as a very barbaric and cruel aggressor but this attitude fosters and allows them from a young age to hate Japan as a nation. May the Lord help each of us to be the "sons of peace" and display His mercy and kindness. May He help us to sow the seeds of love in places of hatred, and forgiveness where there are wounds so that we are able to love and pray for our enemies.
A survey shows that college students in China are unable to forgive the atrocities the Japanese committed during the Sino-Japanese war, especially the Rape of Nanking. When they talk about missions, the churches in China are often selective and choose only people they deem worthy of God's salvation which does not include the Japanese people.​ We pray that God will remove our inner darkness and bitterness so we will not be like Jonah who disregarded the compassion and love of God.
Japan has been regarded as hard soil for the gospel to penetrate with only 0.2% of the population who are Christians.​ However, China and Japan are neighbors and share a similar Confucian culture. God can perform miracles even in hard soil. We remember in our prayers that God's grace and power can come and transform this island country.
In the last​ half century, there have been great Christian revivals and growth in South Korea, China, and Indonesia which are Buddhist, Communist, and Muslim countries respectively.We praise the Lord for the miraculous growth of churches and believers in these Asian countries. We pray that churches there will learn from and compliment each other becoming a strong force of mission to other Asian countries.
In China, nationalist sentiment is less vehement toward Southeast Asian nations than that against Japan or the United States, even with the territorial dispute in the South China Sea and the workers' protest in Vietnam. The Chinese government quickly and preferentially clamps down on any negative sentiment toward its Southern neighbors.We pray that missionary efforts of the churches in China will not be driven by any sense of ethnic superiority but through humility and a profound appreciation of God's mercy and grace for them. We are called to share the gospel with all people in all nations and especially with our enemies.

中國人普遍對日本持負面態度,信任日本的中國人不到10%。連沒有親身經歷過中日戰爭的年輕人,對日本也有強烈的反感。我們來為中國年輕基督徒禱告,求主讓我們知道主耶穌所教導、示範的愛的真意:「只是我告訴你們,要愛你們的仇敵,為那逼迫你們的禱告。」(太 5:44),並靠著主的力量活出信仰。
在學校裡,國家宣傳和愛國主義教育都傾向把批評日本變為正確的政治立場,所以我們很難知道中國人心中對日本所持的負面態度,究境有多麼根深蒂固。有些中國信徒無法克服民族主義帶來的仇恨,成為屬靈成長路上的障礙。願恩主憐憫我們不要以惡報惡,且能「以善勝惡」。(羅 12:21)以神的全能與恩慈視野看待眾罪人的不完全,和悔改重生的新契機。
在一項調查中,中國大學生表達無法原諒日本在中國所犯下的罪行。在年輕一代的中國人心目中,南京大屠殺的陰影似乎永遠也揮不去。中國教會提及普世宣教,幾乎都帶有選擇性,只選那些他們認為值得拯救的族類,少有想去日本傳福音的。 求主光照我們裡頭的黑暗,幫助我們除去內心的苦毒,以舊約先知約拿為鑑戒,不要漠視神愛世人的心腸。
日本被其他國家的基督徒評為「福音硬土」,至今基督徒人口僅有0.2%而已。日本是中國最近的鄰國,也有著同受孔孟儒家思想薰陶的文化背景。 儘管日本一向被視為福音的硬土,然而在神凡事都能!我們要切切記念這個族群, 深信神的作為及施恩的膀臂亦可觸及這片土地。

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