Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Prayer Request 9/6 - 9/12

In many hospitals in China scalpers can make tens of thousands of dollars by selling numbered tickets for appointments.​ They hire people to wait in line in the evening and resell the tickets to those who want to see doctors, especially the specialists. Getting medical attention in China takes both time and finances. We pray for healing for sick believers and peace and joy for their family members.
In China, there is always a long time of patients waiting to see the doctors.​ At the hospital there are ticket scalpers because there is a huge imbalance between medical providers and the great demand caused by the sheer number of patients. Chinese people utilize connections to get things such as seeing a doctor done. We pray for those who lack money and connections. May the Lord comfort them with the knowledge that He is in control and provides for those He loves.
Sick people in China insist on seeing specialists. Some of the hospitals try to eliminate scalpers who sell tickets for appointment​s to specialists by insisting that all patients must be seen by primary doctors first and then referred to specialists.Believers in China have a big place in their hearts for "big name preachers" and consider their own pastors inadequate for their position. We pray for humility for all believers and their being willing to pray for the spiritual growth and gifts of their own shepherd/pastor.
In China, there is a climate of mistrust in the medical system. Chinese patients are fed up with their doctors, and doctors are fed up with their patients. It is unfortunate that pastors and their church members in China have a​ similar relationship. ​We pray believers will have more respect and appreciate the sacrifice and efforts of their pastors.
‘‘Kan bing nan,’’ or ‘‘It’s hard to see a doctor,’’ pretty much sum​ up China's oversubscribed, underfunded, often corrupt, health system. In frustration, patients attack their physicians. Bribery is common. Bribery is a pervasive problem in China, not just limited to officials. We pray for the purity of the Body of Christ, integrity of church leaders and restoration of confidence and faith of believers in their leaders.
The families of hospital patients in China gather in the waiting rooms and​ corridors, live and even cook in wards and tend to the sick to make up for inadequate nursing. They also stage noisy protests to get the attention of staff members.Hospital visits there are often done by lay people. May the Lord raise up more believers who are gifted with mercy and caring, and able to encourage and pray with the sick.
Many remember that during the Mao period, relationships between doctors and patients were relatively harmonious and healthcare are readily available. Today, there are conflicts between doctors and patients because medical practice is much about making money.​ Many people in China (especially older Christians) remember the simple old days with nostalgia. We need to pray for revival in many churches since prosperity and comfort have turned many believers lukewarm and church meetings are poorly attended.


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