Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Prayer Request 5/10 - 5/16

The Communist Party in China considers all religions capable of being organized and that they are connected with powers outside of China, as a challenge of their own authority to rule. Let us continue to pray for the churches in China because of the uncertain policy the government takes toward them. May the Lord have mercy so that believers are not seen as a threat to the government but as a positive influence.
China is extremely cautious in her approach toward any organized religions because of the possible connection with religious entities abroad, creating and possessing untoward influence and control. “The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.” Prov. 21:1 (NIV) Let us pray for all levels of officials who are in charge of executing religious policies and actions. We pray for favor for believers in their eyes.
The Chinese government has given up restricting religions, instead it grants believers a certain freedom of worship but still controls them with bureaucracies. However, the recent demolition of church buildings in Wenzhou shows how the government can apply restrictions whenever it wants to. We do thank the Lord for giving Christians more freedom, and we pray that churches will use these windows of opportunity to be His witness and spread the gospel.
Religion is not a high-priority issue for the Chinese government; it has its own long list of urgent matters. When Christians live out their lives as the light and salt of the world, they can exert a powerful influence in society, business and even in politics. As Christians become active and effective when the government allows, people will look to Christianity for answers. We pray churches will go into the “world”, living out the love of Christ and care for the needs of people in the community.
Some churches in China , especially those in rural areas, are caught between following Biblical teaching and traditional practices. Some lack Biblical training and do not even reject customs that are not Biblical. We pray that rural pastors will know and teach the truth of the Bible, and honor God above all. May all pastors have wisdom, teaching their flocks how to honor God more than the traditions of man.
Customs vary from region to region in China. When a parent dies, a pious son must kowtow so others will attend and help with funeral arrangements. In many places, funerals are held by a Taoist monk. Many Christians in China do not know whether to bury their parents with Christian rites or Taoist practices. We pray churches can always help their members know how to resolve these conflicts of Biblical teaching and local practices. We pray for a good testimony for all believers.
The divorce rate among Christians in China has shot up sharply reflecting that of society as a whole. There are many Christian single-parent families with neglected children, this makes believers more difficult to be a witness for God. We pray for more marriage counselors. May the Lord help us to honor the sacred marriage covenant and may He help all pastors as they counsel believers not to give up quickly on their own marriages.
中國對於宗教採取謹慎的態度,是因為擔心宗教組織 (尤其是與海外的宗教組織有關係)的發展,會讓其擁有過大的影響力或控制力。「君王的心在主手中,就好像河道裡的水,隨他意而流轉。」(箴21:1當代譯本)。我們為負責制定和執行宗教政策的官員禱告,求主引導他們的決定能善待神的子民。
中國政府似乎放棄嘗試控制宗教, 以管制取代全面限制的法規,基督徒也有某些程度的信仰自由。然而,最近溫州教會建築的強拆事件反映出地方政府仍然會派個理由,給信徒各種難處。我們為近年中國教會多了一點空間感恩,求主幫助信徒能夠把握這種自由所帶來的契機,成為好的見證人,將福音廣傳。
宗教並非中國領導人的優先考量事項,他們還有很長一份問題清單要處理。當基督徒努力在生活中「做光做鹽」時,他們就能在中國的社會、企業,甚至在政治上發揮影響力。在政府許可的空間裡,教會能成為人民尋求人生解答的對象。 求主賜信徒智慧、膽量,而不是採取「出世」的態度,積極在社區中流露基督的愛,並關心鄰舍的身、心靈需要。

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