Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Prayer Request 4/5 - 4/11

In the past three decades China has made impressive gains in sending rural children to school which has helped her become a low-end manufacturing power. However, many teenagers in the countryside there do not finish secondary school and that bodes ill for the labor force. We pray that more teachers in the rural churches will receive training to know how to best teach Sunday school and lead the children. Since ministry to youth is practically non-existent, we pray that God through His grace will raise up people who will work with young believers in the villages.
Since 1986, the law in China has been that students must finish​​​ nine years of school. In the countryside, however, many finish only those nine years and never go to high school. ​Many preachers in rural areas have only nine years of formal education, so we pray that God will give them wisdom and insight to preach with power and conviction to help ​their audiences apply God's truth to their lives.
In 1990 only seven percent of students in rural China entered high school. Today​ it is just over one-third. Even at the junior level, dropout rates are high ranging from one-sixth to nearly a third of the students. We pray for the future preachers in the rural churches that the Lord will call those young people who seek to know His heart, are teachable, and also have a good educational foundation.
Due to the high cost, some rural students quit school. High schools are often far from their home villages so they must board and the cost of that three years can be more than a year's income for some of the rural families with low income.​ Getting a good education in rural China is difficult so we pray for believers who struggle to provide a good education for their children. May the Lord help them and grant their children a desire to do their best in school.
About half of rural students in China fail the test to get into high school. Others leave because they can get what they consider a decent job. Wages for low-skilled work have increased greatly in recent years. Many young rural believers start to drift away from church and their faith at this stage of life. ​We pray that people and parents will share and encourage young people to stay close to Jesus and the church.
Tens of millions of rural workers in China have moved to cities since the 1990s. But China's household registration system, or hukou, makes it difficult for them to send their children to better middle-schools in the cities. We pray for a strong faith in God for Christian parents who tend to worry about their children's education. We also pray for their children to trust God at a young age knowing that the fear of the Lord is true wisdom.
Migrant workers often have no choice but to leave their children behind to be educated in the villages. For these left-behind students, the lack of parental supervision compounds many students' learning difficulties. We can see the difficult predicament of second generation ministry in rural churches. Even in the face of seeming hopelessness, we pray that God will provide a way and solution for rural churches​ to help these people​.


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