Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Prayer Request 1/26 - 2/1

Taiwan recently​ elected her first female president in a landslide election. In her victory speech, the new president called for "humility, humility, and more humility". This is also the first time the Nationalist Party has lost its majority status in the legislative branch of government on the island. Every time an election takes place in Taiwan, churches are invariably affected by their political orientation. Let us pray for the unity of churches in Taiwan and that political sentiment will not affect the relationship between churches on both sides of the strait.
Urbanization​ has changed the economic and social expectations for marriage in China. Gao, fu, shuai (tall, rich. handsome) and bai, fu, mei (fair-skinned, rich, beautiful) have become the standard description for the perfect match. We pray for all of the first-generation Christians in China that they will seek God's will and understand His criteria as they desire to remain faithful to Biblical teaching regarding marriage and family.
Without a steady job, a car, and an ​apartment a single man in the cities of China has little chance of finding a spouse. With the gender imbalance due to China's one-child policy, more men in China are unable to meet the economic requirements for marriage than ever before. Let us pray for the Christian men who do not meet these requirements that the Lord will give them a strong faith knowing that He loves them and He Who has given them purpose and meaning in life will also prepare a godly spouse for them.
For many Christian women in China the tension between Biblical teachings about relationships and the social pressure to find a mate is exacerbated by the relatively​ high ratio of women to men in the churches there. We pray for these sisters who face the dilemma of whether it is better to marry an unbeliever or remain single. May the Lord comfort them and give them joy as they face great pressure from their parents to marry before they are "too old".
he five major rural house church groups in China have formally announced their dissolution with rapid​ urbanization given as the cause. Although some claimed they were able to transition successfully to the urban format, this has not been true. We really do not know what God has in mind for the rural churches in China but we beseech Him to revive them, not just in a superficial way of seeking for miracles but that they will be rooted in Biblical truth.
​Many churches have problem of "direct sale", people's passion for God is polluted and the relationships between the brothers and sisters are tainted. ​People make friends to enlarge their base, not for evangelism. May the Lord remind each of us that "In the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, ... covetous. ... having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." (2 Timothy 3:1-5)
People who engage in "direct sale" all dream of striking it rich but the dream often bursts like a bubble since the vast majority of them cannot reach their quota/goal in time.​ Churches cannot prohibit their members from selling things to other members but we pray for wisdom and integrity of motives for each of us. "Let no man seek his own, but every man another's wealth." (1 Corinthians 10:24)

中國的城市化提高了婚姻伴侶的經濟與社會標準。完美的匹配是,男的是要 "高富帥"(高大,有錢,英俊),女的則是"白富美"(皮膚白皙,有錢和漂亮)。我們特別為中國第一代信主的年輕基督徒祈求,願他們在等候神所預備的伴侶時,多禱告尋求上帝的旨意,認識神的標準,從聖經真理中學習神對婚姻和家庭的旨意。
傳銷活動滲入教會,使得基督徒對神的渴慕和信靠容易被 "瑪門" 所代替。信徒之間純潔的屬靈關係被利益扭曲,令招呼新朋友的動機也從傳福音變成發展下線。求主使我們儆醒,末世必有危險的日子來到,人要專顧自己,貪愛錢財…不愛神,僅有敬虔的外貌,卻背了敬虔的實意,這等人我們務必要躲開。(提後3:1-5)

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