Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Prayer Request 8/18 - 8/24

TuesdayThe phenomenon of public dancing can be found across China. Participants are typically older women but also some men and younger people, they gather in public squares and parks and perform synchronized dances to blaring music. Many believers are retired but still very agile and available to serve other than babysitting grandchildren. We pray for them, especially the sisters who often shoulder the caring ministry of their churches. May the Lord use them to be a great blessing.
Officials insist that ​the Chinese public wants “healthy, watchable, scientific and wide-ranging” dancing. To that end, an expert panel has developed 12 model routines that will be taught nationwide by instructors who have received official training. ​In China, the government is involved in every aspect of the lives of the citizens. We pray for God's guidance in the growth of churches, especially those that are unregistered. May the Lord protect them all and keep them from being swept away by materialism.​
The dancing in China has provoked a backlash with people in the neighborhood complaining particularly about the noise. Sometimes the opposition has even turned ugly so the​ government has had to regulate open-air fitness dancing due to the public complaints filed against it. Many urban churches occupy an apartment in a residential building. We pray for good neighborly relationship​s​ for them, especially as churches tend to have lots of traffic in and out, noise from worship and intervention of police.
Square-dancing represents the collective aspect of Chinese culture. The early morning and evening gatherings are meant to be a way to exercise and socialize. ​ Believers also have a need for entertainment and socializing as a normal component of a healthy lifestyle. We pray for the holistic well-being of all believers in China so they can have a ​good testimony and influence on their friends and not be merely addicted to television and the internet.
Responding to calls by President Xi Jinping to rein in corruption in China, Shanghai has enacted strict rules to keep the spouses and children of top local officials from entering private business and profiting from their government connections. Shanghai, with more than 23 million in population is the seat of Three-Self churches. We pray for all the administrators, pastors and volunteers under this umbrella, ​ that​ the Lord ​will ​grant them faithfulness, integrity and dedication to serve the Master.
In many instances where there was a crackdown on corruption, the vast fortunes that were uncovered were listed in the name of relatives or offspring of the officials​ rather than in the names of the officials themselves. Many of the believers in China are reluctant to give offerings in church because they do not know how the funds will be used. We pray for God's mercy for all church leaders that they will know how to help believers overcome that kind of hesitation and allow more people to serve in crucial roles.
Only Shanghai officials are restricted from doing business in the city, ​but ​families of officials from outside of Shanghai can still conduct business there, and the children of top Shanghai officials are free to go into business outside the city. Some churches are literally family-run,​ so they​ seriously undermine people’s confidence in their leaders. We pray for the Spirit of God to convict any who treat God’s churches as a family enterprise, or refuse to include people who are not related to them.

據官方宣佈,公眾希望廣場健身操舞具備「健身性、觀賞性、科學性、廣泛性」的特點,所以開發了十二套標準的廣場健身操舞,由受過訓的人士指導推廣。中國政府會介入百姓生活的各個層面,我們要為教會(尤其未登記的教會)在這樣的大環境下能繼續成長祈求 。求主保守眾教會,持守真理,不被世俗的價值觀所同化。
「禁止領導幹部的配偶及子女經商辦企業」的規定只限於上海市的官員,不包括其他地區官員的家屬在上海經商。上海高官的子女也可以在其他城市自由經商。有些教會的領導同工也有相當程度的家族式 "內包"觀念,造成信徒間分化,對領袖沒有信任感。求主的靈來做責備的工作,不容許人把教會當做家族企業,或是不將重要職份開放給別人。

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