Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Prayer Request 3/24 - 3/30

TuesdaySouth Korea predicts they will have one million medical tourists a year by 2020 which is up from 211,218 last year with travelers from China representing the largest segment. We praise the Lord for what the Korean churches have done for churches in China, especially for the workers they have trained through their seminaries and Bible classes. May God keep and mightily use the fruits of their labor.
Chinese women are visiting Korea in droves for body modifications from double eyelid surgery, to the extreme, like facial restructuring. South Korean hospitals are perceived to be safer and more hygienic, albeit pricier than Chinese hospitals.There are more sisters than brothers among churches in China. We intercede specifically for their spiritual lives, growing in their work and social relationships as well, and committing their marriage into the hands of God who always listens to our prayers.
Popular culture is very popular and influential in China, especially the Korean television shows and movies. Chinese patients often take magazine photos of their Korean movie stars or singers to their cosmetic surgeons and demand to be made like them. Many of the churches in China try to imitate churches in Korea and Singapore. May the Lord help those who desire revival and growth for their churches and may the Holy Spirit fill and enable them not merely to copy the programs and techniques of others but to seek genuine renewal and expanded vision.
Many people in China, especially young women, have found that plastic surgery enhances their personal or professional prospects and some feel it gives them the opportunity to make more money. We pray for healthy self-esteem for all young female Christian ladies in China, knowing that God loves them and that they know Him and can serve Him in the church.
Many young ladies in China think, "Since my friends have become more beautiful, I think I should become more beautiful, too." They undergo painful surgeries to alter their faces into a V-shape which gives them highly-coveted delicate features. In China, it is difficult to find eligible brothers for most sisters because there are fewer male Christians in the churches. We pray for godly male friends for all the young sisters in the churches. May the Lord give them great friendships so they can encourage each other to love God more.
Due to the "one child" policy of the government and greatly enlarged enrollment in the universities in recent years, there is now a dearth of blue-collar workers in China. We pray for the shortage of workers in the churches of China, especially those who would like to serve full time but feel if they do that, they will not be able to support their own families. May the Lord grant them faith and trust in Him knowing that His calling is best and He will take care of them and their families.
At the present time, people who live in China shop outside of mainland China where there is less tax and the yuan is strong for most of the luxury goods purchased. Indeed, they buy only about 10% of their luxury items in China but people from China account for 25% of the revenue gained by retailers of those items in the world. A disparity of wealth extends into churches in China as well as outside of it. We pray for compassion, consideration, and that we will not neglect those who are poor in our churches. May the Spirit of God remind us to care more for others than for ourselves.

每年赴韓旅遊的醫療遊客,據估計至2020年會增至一百萬名,去年中國遊客有二十一萬多名,占的的比例最大。 韓國教會多年來大力支持中國教會,我們為他們的擺上感謝神,特別為他們培訓中國傳道人同工的事工祈求,願主保守、使用他們為主所做的努力及成效。
流行文化往往發揮了極大的影響力。尤其是韓國的電視節目和電影在中國廣受歡迎, 許多病患經常拿着雜誌照片向韓國醫生進行諮詢。許多中國教會模仿韓國和新加坡教會。求主幫助那些渴望復興的教會能行在真理中,願聖靈充滿並使用他們,不僅止於學效外在的形似,而是有從神而來的異象,為主在這黑暗世代裡作盞發光的燈台。
中國年輕女性認為通過整形手術是提升個人發展及職業前景的一種途徑,「因為我們希望變得更漂亮。整形的好處多,例如可能會賺得更多。」 我們為教會裡年輕的姊妹祈求,求主賜給她們合乎神心意的健康自我形象,深知神多麼喜愛她們,願意無條件接納每一個人。更願意她們更多親近主、認識主,在教會中忠心服事。
「既然我朋友都變得更漂亮了,我也應該變得更漂亮。」中國年輕女性會通過一些痛苦的手術把自己的臉變成V形,從而獲得夢寐以求的精緻輪廓。 教會中總是姊妹多於弟兄,我們為教會年輕姊妹有主內的同伴祈求,求神給她們有美好的友誼及在生活中彼此激勵,更追求成長也更愛主。

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