Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Prayer Request 10/14 - 10/20

TuesdayAlthough the general population of China has many more males than females, the situation in churches there is the opposite with over sixty percent of the members being women while among all believers, women comprise more than eighty percent of the church. This imbalance between men and women in the churches in China is alarmingly high and many of the sisters find it difficult to get a mate of the same faith. Let us pray for godly spouses for the sisters and all who want to know God's will for their lives and even those who need to know how to enjoy being single.
​In China there is a saying, "Marrying early is more important than marrying well". It is difficult for sisters who are over thirty​ to find a husband. Those who married unbelievers. even if they have persisted in their faith, still face many tough issues in marriage. Frustration and conflicts persist in these unevenly yoked marriages and it is even worse when children are involved because of the serious differences in the value system of the parents. We pray for single sisters in China that they will wait patiently for God's choice of a spouse for them.
According to official claims,​ over sixty million children are left with grandparents while the parents go to work in the cities the year around, returning home only once or twice a year. The grandparents then bear the responsibility of rearing and educating the children. We pray that rural churches will see this great need to help with the education of this group of "left-behind" children. We know that rural churches lack resources and manpower but pray they will not miss out on this great ministry opportunity to reach these "left-behind" children and will teach them about Jesus.
The "left-behind"​ children in China have no parental supervision and they do not like to stay at home so they invariably mix with other children who have no parents and they all become delinquents. These children know little about protecting themselves or personal safety so they are often victims of abuse. We pray for those who serve as teachers in the Sunday schools of rural churches. May they have a burden for these children who have no parents with them in the village, and may they teach them about Jesus' love and show them that God has a purpose for them in their lives.
Churches in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are deeply influenced by those in Shanghai and are usually organized as regional federations because their members are well educated so they will not tolerate the dictatorial leadership style of those lead in team fashion. Churches in China need a new generation of godly leaders with a vision of how churches should engage their communities as well as a great passion for evangelism. We pray that older leaders will intentionally train those​ who are younger.
Many of the core workers In the rural churches of China have gone to the city for work and found they could no longer accept the dictatorial style of leadership in the team-led churches. Team-led churches are more likely to become extreme or even heretical in their teachings and are very unpopular in the big cities.​ We pray for churches rooted in Biblical truth, along with believers who are mature and able to discern between the work of men and that of God. May the Lord have mercy on the churches in China so they will be able to survive the vicious attacks of the cults.
China has experienced an unprecedented migration of people to three regions.​ First, millions of former farmers moved to Beijing and Tianjing. The next move was to Shanghai, the center of the Yangtze River delta and the third was to Guangzhou, the center of the Pearl River delta. Let us pray for pastors and especially for the seemingly countless seminaries in these three regions, whether open or "underground" training centers and programs, whether long term or short term. May the Lord provide workers to fill the need since there is a very great shortage of workers.

雖然中國人口男多女少,但教會內卻相反,姊妹比例往往超過六成,有些地區教會甚至超過八成 。教會男女比例嚴重失衡,已亮起警訊,因為許多姊妹在教會裡不易找到同奔天路的婚配對象。讓我們來為內地教會的姊妹們祈禱,求主為她們預備合適的配偶,也幫助願意順服神旨意,引領她們一生道路的姊妹,懂得享受單身時的日子。
中國有句話:「嫁得好,不如嫁得早」。在教會裡年過三十的姊妹更難找對象,致於有些姊妹與不信的人結婚, 即使自己在信仰上能堅持,在生活上也會面對不少的困難。由於彼此價值觀的差異會引發許多的衝突 ,這種無奈和矛盾在婚後處理金錢,家人關係和育兒時更顯嚴重。除非伴侶歸主或姊妹妥協,否則會成為婚姻出現危機的隱患。我們為單身姊妹禱告,求主堅立她們的信心,耐心等候主的預備!
江浙一帶的教會深受上海影響,信徒的教育水平高,發展出地方性聯邦制雛形的「家庭教會」 十分普遍。在這些地區,不大可能產生所謂的團隊教會- 領袖擁有獨裁制的帶領方式。目前的中國教會需要有新一代的領袖,擁有美好的靈性,並有將福音帶入社區的異象,更是滿有傳福音的熱忱。我們為老一輩的教會領袖禱告,求主幫助他們願意薪火相傳,刻意為主栽培年輕有活力的接班人。

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