Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Prayer Request 9/2 - 9/8

TuesdayDuring the Mao Zedong era, China had no landlords and there were no capitalists. These two classes of people were demoralized and after 1949 they were quickly dispossessed of any holdings they had. The property of landlords was confiscated and private factories were nationalized. Church leaders who have lived through Mao’s days feel intimidated when their authority is challenged in church. We pray for humility for all of the leaders in the churches, not because of their experience of suffering but because they model Christ's servant heart.
During the Mao era when material shortages were the order of the day, everyone was a pauper. Those former landlords and capitalists were paupers, too--in most cases they had even less than they had before. Yet every day people still shouted, "Never forget class struggle!" The great obstacle and enemy the churches in China face today is prosperity. We give thanks to God for the improvement in the standard of living over the past twenty years but we still pray for true contentment and godliness for all believers as well as a continuing desire to always seek the Lord.
The slogan "Never forget class struggle" was plastered on every wall in China, on the drinking cups, and even painted on toilets during the Cultural Revolution. These words were also printed on pillowcases commanding people even in their dreams not to forget class struggle. The idea of class struggle is poisonous and stirs hatred even for the Christians in the churches today. May the Lord have mercy on us all and fill us with the love of Jesus so we can truly accept and love each other and not just say, "I love you" in word only.
Today's China looks nothing like the China of Mao who died in 1979. There are classes now which causes class struggles and we can always see reports in the media about life at both extremes--the "filthy obscenely rich" and the "struggling poor". Even Christians are easily caught up in hatred for the corrupted officials and show contempt for anyone who is rich. The churches in China are often caught up in righteous indignation, especially toward corruption. May the Lord remove our self-righteousness and give us a tender and sensitive heart for sinners.
In China, a huge gap exists between rich and poor, and pervasive corruption has ignited conflict between officialdom and the population at large. Chinese society is riddled with contradictions, but “Never forget class struggle” has been replaced by “Harmonious society” and “Stability overrides all other considerations.” Although the church is supposed to treat all whether rich or poor alike, many poor migrant laborers find the welcome in church superficial at best. We pray that some people in every church will reach out and warmly welcome new-comers and model how we should care for others.
T​o qualify as a member of China’s new Middle Class, one must own an apartment in the city which is 80 square meters or larger and a car which cost at least 100,000 yuan. If they own these two things, others feel they have financial security. Young professionals who are believers spend a lot of their time working and really do not have much time to get involved in the church. We pray for wisdom and patience for pastors who minister to these families that present a real challenge because of their chosen priorities.
The​ ​people in the new Middle Class like to be fashionable but they do not feel they must wear limited editions of luxury outfits. Instead they feel that a clean and fresh hairstyle, healthy skin, and decent clothing are enough. They are environmentally conscious and involved in doing charitable works. Young professional families usually find that both spouses are busy executives trying to balance work, young children, and church. We pray for their marital relationship, guarding of their hearts from temptation of all kinds, and wisdom in rearing their children.

毛澤東時期的中國既沒有地主也沒有資本家。 1949年以後,地主和資本家被認為是剝削階級的代表,地主的田地在土改時被沒收了,資本家擁有的工廠在公私合營時亦被奪走。經歷過文革的老一輩,面對教會中有人起意變革時,容易認為自己遭受挑戰。我們要為教會領袖們有謙卑的心禱告,願他們常與主有親密的關係。在帶領群羊時,有效法基督,甘為主僕人來服事眾人的心腸。
「千萬不要忘記階級鬥爭」這句口號遍佈中國城市和農村的牆壁,喝水時杯子上印著、廁所牆上刷著、枕套上也印著這句口號,務求百姓在夢中仍不忘記階級鬥爭。 鬥爭的思想與毒素在中國教會中仍然處處可見,信徒彼此猜疑和不服,容易激起仇恨。 求主憐憫恩待我們,再次以基督的愛充滿我們,好叫我們能切實彼此接納,看別人比自己強,從心底裡愛弟兄姐妹,不流於空談。
當今中國經濟發展畸形,帶來貧富懸殊;腐敗叢生帶來官民鬥爭。社會充滿矛盾,「千萬不要忘記階級鬥爭」被「和諧社會」和「穩定壓倒一切」等口號所取代。 許多貧窮人和農民工,卻感覺在教會裡遭到冷落,沒有溫暖可言。求主興起弟兄姐妹,樂意伸出手歡迎新來者,讓新來者感受到基督的愛,也成為關懷信徒的好榜樣。
中國新中產階級雖熱愛時尚,但不是限量版的奢侈品包,而是一個乾淨清爽的髮型、健康的膚色以及得體的衣著。 新中產階級也熱愛環保和參與慈善項目。城市教會中的年輕專業人士家庭,一般都是夫妻倆忙碌工作,照顧孩子,還要忙教會。我們為這些年輕信徒夫婦的婚姻禱告,求主保守他們的家庭,不落入各樣的引誘和試探,更有智慧養育敬虔愛主的孩子。

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