Thursday, April 03, 2014

Prayer Request 4/1 - 4/7

TuesdayIn China, unethical merchants sell fake and even poisonous food; corrupt officials betray the public’s confidence and even professors are dishonest just to make a few dollars. It is urgent that China regains its moral moorings. As the Chinese people search their consciences, we pray that Christians can powerfully articulate the salvation of Jesus Christ and the reason for following the Biblical commands in a society that is bent on making money over all else.
China has very strict laws to counter the endless child-trafficking problem. Kidnapping and selling more than three children by use of violence or coercion can carry the death penalty. We pray for God's comfort for all parents who have lost children whether through accidents, illness, or if they have run away from home. We pray specifically for Christian parents who have a prodigal son or daughter that the Lord will answer their pleas and restore that broken relationship.
Incidences of medical professionals who are involved in selling babies have shocked China but moral issues are restricted to neither doctors nor geography. The pursuit of material wealth seems to have become the primary faith of the people of China. Although Christians are in a minority, we pray that churches will boldly make an impact in their communities as good and caring citizens, and that believers will be a powerful witness of God's love and compassion.
The double-digit annual wage increases in China give the people enough disposable income to cause the domestic airline industry to grow ten percent a year. The need for full-time workers in the churches is pressing and huge as college ministries and new churches are started in the cities. We ask the Lord of the harvest in faith for more workers to help these struggling new church plants. We specifically pray for those who are involved in the training of new pastors.
New cities have sprouted up near the new high speed railway stations in China, usually found in the suburbs of other cities since many of the families whose homes lay in the path of the train tracks have been relocated to new districts. Each of these new areas is a wonderful opportunity for evangelism, friendship, and planting a new church. We pray that many of the established churches will catch the vision and quickly seize the opportunity before new temples are built and people grow comfortable in their busy daily routines.
Since train fares are less than half that of airfares, many people have taken to taking the train. in China. Because the wages of blue collar workers have more than doubled, many business executives as well as other workers have switched to the train. Using the high speed trains also narrows the distance between churches. We pray for more interchurch fellowship, especially that the stronger urban churches will support the weaker and less affluent churches in the neighboring provinces and share their resources with them.
Many of the sisters in the church are older and have not been married because there are few eligible brothers in the churches. As they face pressure from their families or feel the personal need, they have resorted to marrying Christian men who are five to ten years younger than they are. Dating and/or marrying younger men brings certain problems including how others judge that one due to difference in age or compatibilities. Let us pray for those involved in this kind of romantic relationship as well as the counseling and caring their pastors must provide.

拐賣兒童的犯罪行為, 法律的懲罰不可謂不嚴厲,對於拐賣兒童三人以上,使用暴力或脅迫等手段的,最高可判死刑。我們祈求神的安慰臨到失去孩子的父母中,尤其是信徒父母中,其子女可能因事故、患病、離家而失去。我們特別為這些浪子的父母禱告,願主垂聽他們的懇求,並修補這些家庭親子間關係的裂痕。
在中國竟然有醫生喪盡天良,參與嬰兒買賣的個案。今天社會中道德淪喪問題已不再侷限於醫生或是有何地域分別,追求物質利益似乎成為人們唯一的「信仰」。 基督徒雖然是少數,但我們有一位至高、聖潔的神。我們求主幫助教會在社區中,成為有愛心的公民,處處見證神的恩慈良善,流露出主耶穌的愛和憐憫,在黑暗中播下光明的種子。

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