Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Prayer Request 3/11 - 3/17

TuesdayThe attack in Kunming strains the already tense relations between China's Han and Uighurs. Kunming as the capital of Yunnan is a rare city, where so many ethnic groups reside and intermingle very peacefully. There are many Christian ministries and charitable projects in Yunnan. We pray that this tragic incident will not impede the good works done there and the harmonious relationship built up with the officials.
To the regular Chinese, Xinjiang is a land of sweet melons, colorful mosques and an exotic people fond of impromptu song and dance. But, the prejudice toward Uighurs, the majority residents of Xinjiang is totally different. People in the churches in China talk much about how their mission efforts to the Muslims are superior to those of the Westerners. We pray they will first of all be humble, have a deeper understanding of the Muslims and then add on the compassion of our Lord without any ethnic superiority.
In the eyes of the average Chinese, Uighurs or any Muslims from Xinjiang are people who sell nut-and-fig cakes or grilled lamb kabobs on the street. Even children are told that Uighurs all carry knives and make money as pickpockets so they cannot be trusted. Christians claim that the Muslims far away need the Lord but they still have much distrust of and even despise the Muslims on the street. We pray that each of us will deeply reflect our own view of the Muslim minorities in the light of the Lord's compassion within us.
Decades of propaganda by the Communist Party have failed to soothe the distrust and suspicion that colors the attitudes of many Han Chinese people whose interactions with Uighurs are often limited to fleeting exchanges on the streets of cities in China. We pray for a good relationship between the Han Chinese and all ethnic minorities to improve their living conditions and not merely to assimilate them into the culture. May the Lord raise up Christians who can put themselves in the shoes of the Uighurs and become their advocates.
Many Han Chinese people in Xinjiang see themselves as second-class citizens as compared with the Uighurs and feel the governmental policy favors the Uighurs but the Uighurs themselves generally think otherwise. Mosques are everywhere in Xinjiang but churches are very rare and Christian gatherings are greatly restricted. We pray for the Han Christians there that they will be salt and light with the passion to share Jesus Christ with their friends.
Although the government emphasizes that Chinese people are not merely the Han people but include many ethnic groups sharing the same cultural heritage, many of the ethnic minority groups who have their own culture, language, religion, and history of independence, such as the Tibetans, Mongolians, and Uighurs do not see themselves as Chinese. We pray for salvation of Muslim students studying in Xinjiang. We also pray for wisdom for the political leaders in Xinjiang to know how to improve the volatile situation there and also open the doors to the gospel and give Christian churches favorable opportunities.
There are Muslims who bear deep hatred for Han Chinese or the religious extremists, like those who are in the independence movement but they are in the minority. The great majority of Muslims are friendly and hospitable. We pray that out of this tragedy there will be many more who will pray for the Muslims in China and believers who will befriend them, even become experts and advocates for them rather than just wanting ethnic minorities to be assimilated

漢人普遍對新疆的了解,一般限於那裡的哈密瓜、色彩斑斕的清真寺,以及滿溢能歌善舞回族人的異域情調;但對維吾爾族人或新疆的其他回族,態度卻又完全不同。當論及回教地區的宣教, 教會總認為中國人比西方人更合適,沒有他們的包袱。我們為中國教會禱告,求主感動我們能先有謙卑的心,滿有主的憐憫,更多認識穆斯林的需要,而不是民族優越感。

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