Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Prayer Request 1/28 - 2/3

TuesdayThe world’s largest annual human migration—the Chinese Lunar New Year Festival, also known as the Spring Festival—officially got underway on January 16th and will last for forty days. Chinese New Year’s Day itself is on January 31st and is the beginning of the year of the horse. In China everything usually grinds to a halt during this time but many rural churches have plans to reconnect with those who have been gone. We pray that these plans will be well received and the Holy Spirit will soften the hearts of their loved ones.
Hundreds of millions of people working away from home to return for the most important festival of the year, a good portion of China's 1.35 billion people are expected to make over 3.6 billion journeys – by plane, train, automobile, bus and all modes of transportation. As family reunions take place, we pray that Christian parents will have an opportunity re-connect and repair estranged relationships and even more importantly, encourage their children to love Jesus.
The sentiment of “home at any cost” is summed up by a catchy saying: “Rich or Poor, Home for New Year” and the enormous human activity needed to make that happen is called the “Spring Transport”. We pray that as Christians return home, they will include sharing the Gospel with unbelieving family members on their agenda. The Lord give them opportunity and favors, so as they share Christ, it will be received well and the Holy Spirit soften the hearts of their loved ones.
In China, the massive migration of people during the Chinese Lunar New Year Festival strains the transportation system of the country. Tickets are hard to buy, scalpers abound, and trains are packed with fights over the seats but everyone believes celebrating the New Year with family is well worth all of these hassles. Many pastors will return home for the Spring Festival, too. We pray that the New Year will bring renewal for them and the Lord will give them a new vision for ministry and impart His joy and power then they return to the cities they will be able to start another year with even greater passion and urgency.
In the past twenty years the divorce rate in Shanghai has increased twenty-fold and the main reason has been extramarital affairs. The divorce rate among those who are thirty years old is increasing by ten percent each year and about another one-fourth of divorces are among those who are under thirty. Many young believers get married despite the opposition of parents and pastors and many of those marriages end in divorce. We pray the church will be strong in teaching the Biblical view of relationships and marriage and that the Lord will have mercy on our young people so their marriages will honor Him.
When those who are younger than thirty get a divorce in China, it usually means that their parents are involved since they are only children. The parents still dominate the affairs of their lives including marriage and divorce. We pray for wisdom for Christian parents to know how to help their children and remain in their lives but clearly know the boundaries. May the Lord help them to be good examples in their marriages and continue to pray without ceasing for their children.
The important reason for the thirty percent divorce rate among young people in the past fifteen years is that their parents have been divorced and have created a whole generation of broken people who have little faith in marriage or even the need to get married. The number of believers who have marital problems in China is alarmingly high. We need to pray for counseling resources in the churches. Although some pastors do counsel their people, their skills need improvement so we pray for more pastors to have good counseling skills.

中國的「春運」可算是全世界最大的年度人口遷徙, 2014年的春節是1/31,新的一年是馬年。其帶動的人口遷徙已經從一月十六日開始,持續四十天。春節期間大部人都把工作放下,成為農村教會與那些進城打工回來過年的信徒,重新建立關係的大好時機。這些信徒中不少已經一年沒踏進教會,求聖靈動工,柔軟他們的心,願主復興他們的靈命。
上海的離婚率近二十年來增加了二十倍,主因是伴侶和他人婚外戀。在上海,「八十後」的離婚個案以每年一成的速度遞增,佔離婚案的 1/4。年輕信徒常有快速結婚,不接受家長及傳道人建議的情況,以致婚姻出現很多問題甚至無法持續。求主幫助信徒尊重神所設立的婚姻制度,持守與配偶的婚盟,不在婚姻問題上失腳。願牧者能常在講道中教導聖經的婚姻家庭觀,堅立信徒持守貞潔,建立基督化美滿的家庭。

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