Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Prayer Request 7/9 - 7/15

About seven million students graduated from college in China this summer and many of them will be unemployed. Among them will be some who have accepted Jesus while they were in college but the challenges they face after they graduate are enormous and harsh. We pray for all of those who are Christians and ask the Lord to protect them, help them find a good church or fellowship quickly, continue to grow in the faith and mature spiritually, and also enjoy the company of godly friends.
Many college graduates who are Christians stop growing spiritually once they leave campus because they lack fellowship and discipleship. Even though they still have tender hearts for God, they do not continue going to church and having fellowship. We pray for all of the young believers who have stopped attending church since it is vital that they have a spiritual home. We lift up those who are facing pressure and even persecution from family because of their new-found faith. May the Lord keep their faith strong in Him.
Many Christians who graduate from college give up going to church because of intense competition for jobs. Others fall into a spiritual crisis due to relationship issues or mounting opposition or pressure from their unbelieving parents. We need to pray for these young believers as they adapt to life after they graduate from college, especially those who cannot find a job. We pray for God’s provision, healing, and comfort for these young believers who struggle with relational issues and are despondent.
It is a common phenomenon that pastors are forced to take on a side job. When the pastors speak of the need to support themselves financially, they have the pained look and invariably feel helpless. Let us pray for healthy body and mind for all the pastors who must balance church ministry and their money-paying jobs. Only the Lord can change the attitude of churches, so His laborers can receive the well-deserved wages as the Scripture taught.
Most migrant workers are concerned about what is taking place in the city where they reside and they express a strong desire to mix with the locals. However, there is very little interaction between migrant workers and local people so they remain as strangers and outcasts. In China, churches ignore those who are on the edge of society so Christians are marginalized by society. We pray that believers will love the Lord with all of their hearts and love their neighbors as themselves as Jesus taught us--especially those not-so-loveable and often neglected migrant workers.
Generally speaking, majority of training for church workers inside China is done by overseas Chinese “parachute in”, teaching on a short term basis. Another problem is how those who received training can be incorporate into churches or find a place to serve. Let us pray that churches in China will soon be able to do the training themselves. May the Lord impress this need on churches, to focus on not only church planting, but to build church that can self-sustain, self-preach and continue to multiply.
The gift of a car as an engagement gift in China is no longer a big deal. For young urban couples, giving each other golden bars has become a common practice. Even weddings are getting very lavish. Urban Chinese are able to afford extravagance and even the young people try to outdo each other in that way. We pray that churches in the cities can stand firm against such decadence and be able to be powerful witnesses for the Lord with a pure love for Him.

中國約有七百萬大學畢業生今年夏天加入職場,「畢業就是失業」是許多大學生的困境。在這批年青人中,有好些是在大學時成為基督徒,他們離開校園之後要面臨的挑戰更大。我們為畢業的基督徒禱告, 求主保守他們向主存純一的心,也幫助他們能夠持續有團契生活,且有彼此扶持的肢體一同追求成長,在神帶領的崗位上為主作美好的見證。
大多數流動人口都會關心流入地的發展和變化,融入當地社會意願強烈;然而,他們與流入地其他社群的交流卻不多,參與社會的渠道亦較少。 如果教會不接納社會邊緣人,教會本身就會邊緣化。求主開導並照亮每位信徒的心,時常效法主榜樣,顯揚主的榮美,學習接納一群與自己不同、默默無聞的農民工。
現在中國國內的培訓,不少是海外信徒短期性參與,每每只是「做完就走」,被培訓者去哪個工場?如何參與教會的事奉等根本無法安排。我們為中國教會能快快地自己培訓教會的工人代禱。 求神幫助教會看見這個需要,培訓要考慮怎樣幫助建立教會,讓他們能自養、自傳,使傳福音的果效持久。
小轎車成為當今中國的豪華的訂婚禮物, 又有另一些訂婚男女會互贈金條,相當有氣派。至於結婚典禮,就更加豪華了!這種風氣的形成,除了因為城市富有的人大增外, 還與攀比之風有關。求主保守城市教會,能在這股奢華風氣之下站立得穩,有純一愛主的心,為主在社會上作見證。

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