Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Prayer Request 6/25 - 7/1

Between 2007 and 2012 Chongqing was the city in China in which millionaires increased most rapidly (by 80%). Chengdu and Fuzhou’s multi-millionaire population also increased greatly (60%) during that same period. The so-called “second tier” cities in China have enjoyed an economic boom and believers there have prospered as well, but they have become lukewarm. We pray for the revival of believers and that the Holy Spirit will stir up their passion and love for the Lord to serve in these cities.
Being a government official in China is now a very high-risk profession. One official said that paranoia is part of life. Many colleagues live in dread that their faces appearing in flagrante delicto will surface online and doom their careers. King David’s words of repentance were, “I have sinned against the Lord!”. We pray for believers who have drifted away from God or are living in sin. May the Spirit of the Lord convict each of us to turn away from sin because God is faithful and He will forgive all of our iniquity.
Fears of being exposed have been heightened by a string of high profile blackmail cases. When an official is accused of wrongdoing, the government usually does not say anything so it seems at the end of the day no one really cares if the accusation is true or false. Many Christians are unable to live out their new life in Christ as they should. We pray for integrity of character for all believers. May the Lord great each of us strength to put off the old self and put on the new one which is in the likeness of God.
Recently, there are more missionaries who enter the Muslim ethnic groups to share the Gospel using the friendship evangelism method. However, the new converts have no place to worship or fellowship and lost to follow up. Let us pray for those believers who are new converts who came from Muslim background. In the time of loneliness and rejection, we ask the Lord to give them peace, joy and comfort. The Holy Spirit be with them and give them the assurance and strength to live out His Word.
If a Chinese woman succeeds in college and finish a master’s degree, she is likely to be 25 years old. Official news says, women aged 25 to 27 fall within the first category of “leftover warriors” (sheng doushi) who “still have the courage to fight to find a partner.” Many single sisters in China churches live with their parents. We pray for them for healthy emotional and spiritual lives, may they be free of loneliness, but rather vibrant, loving the Lord and friendly with people.
To improve the status of women in China, the slogan of the Party is, "Women hold up half of the sky". Unfortunately, female politicians in China are still rare with only one-fifth of the national deputies being women. At the grassroots level only 2-3% of the Party secretaries and only 22% of the village committee members are women. The vast majority of believers in China are women and the number of female preachers is increasing while the church committee members and volunteers in some churches are exclusively female. We pray that the churches in China will value the importance and contributions of the sisters in their midst.
Some of the churches in China (the Three-self churches and the seminaries) still uphold the unspoken rule that women should hold only secondary roles in the church, regardless of how gifted they are. According to this view, the sisters should do only visitation, welcoming visitors, singing, cleaning, and preparing meals. Let us remember everyone who serves in the "less important" roles in the church. May the Lord richly reward their humble service and their love for God's people. We pay their unselfish acts will inspire many more young believers to serve.

20072012年之間,重慶市的億萬富翁人數增長達八成之多,是中國各巿之首。其他二線城市如成都和福州的千萬富豪人口,也同期激增六成。近年二線城市的經濟迅速發展,感謝主! 信徒的收入也大有改善。然而,教會信徒追求主的心反而普遍不如以往火熱,我們來為二線城市的教會復興祈求,願神親自吸引弟兄姊妹,聖靈動工使他們更多愛慕主,擺上自己,忠心服侍。
目前在中國當官是一個高風險職業,步步驚心。很多官員都在惶恐中生活,多疑已成為一種生活方式,擔憂自己劣跡敗露,犯事的照片會在網上流轉,害怕自己被抓,斷送了前程。「我向祢犯罪,惟獨得罪了祢」(51:4) 是大衛王誠心悔改之言。我們要為遠離神、仍陷在罪中之樂得罪神的信徒禱告,求主催逼各人盡快在神面前認罪悔改,重建與神的關係。「我們縱然失信,祂仍是可信的,因為祂不能背乎自己。」(2:13)感謝主應許給憂傷痛悔的人,祂的公義與信實定要赦免我們一切的不義,幫我們重造一個清潔正直的靈。
近年不少宣教同工以專業身分進去回民群體,以個人友誼方式向穆斯林作見證;可是帶了人信主後,他們應去哪個群體?哪兒聚會?靈命如何成長等等問題也不易跟進。我們特別為那些從前是穆斯林,或是脫離異教背景而接受了耶穌基督信仰的信徒禱告。在他們孤單,被家人、社區排斥拒絕時,主跟他們同在,賜下屬天的平安喜樂與安慰給他們。 求神的靈大大保守他們,滿有得救的確據,也能勇敢堅定地活出神的道。

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