Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Prayer Request 2/19 - 2/25

China currently has about ten million cases of hepatitis C, a 13% increase over 2010. Lack of public awareness and generally low treatment rate make it a serious problem. Many have contracted hepatitis and are unable to work. Let us pray for healing and strength to work for all believers with hepatitis. We specially lift up their families in prayer that they will not lose faith in God when their income drops due to illness. 
In China at the present time, the cost of hospitalization for a serious illness would be that of about the annual income of an individual and for the bottom 20% of the population, it would be twice their yearly income. We praise the Lord because the government has implemented a lot of health care coverage but we need to pray for those believers who should have medical care but can barely afford it. Many require frequent hospitalization and each such visit can literally bankrupt their family.
Some illnesses, especially hepatitis, can be treated but the cost of the treatment is often prohibitive for many people. Chinese people believe that a bad liver is bad for the body so many of them would rather use herbs or unproven remedies and delay getting treated by a doctor. Although now more people have health insurance than before, still many can ill afford expensive treatment. We remember those believers who have medical conditions that are difficult to treat but lack health insurance. May the Lord have mercy on them and grant them healing.
A serious social problem in China is that of patients who physically abuse their doctors. They allege their doctors have a bad attitude and do not pay attention to them. There are daily new reports of verbal abuse, violent attacks, kidnappings, and even patients killing their doctors. We pray for the Lord to protect those doctors and other medical workers who have become the object of their patients’ frustration and anger. May the Lord protect them so they can eliminate the reason for the anger of their patients.
In the next three decades, China will remain the world’s largest mission field. She will have the most people who are not Christians as well as those who have not heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. We ought to pray more fervently for the world’s largest mission field--pray for the unreached people, all of those who have never even heard of Jesus and ask the Lord to raise up many more Christians who will be stirred to give their lives to spread the gospel.
There are 2,300 county-level cities in China, each of them easily has millions of residents.. According to one study, only a third of these cities have any Christian churches in them. As a rule, the further west one goes in China, the fewer Christians there are. We pray for all of the Christians in China that they will have a powerful influence and make an impact on society. We beseech the Lord to help believers in China to bring healing to people and build healthy families in their communities.
There are “No Smoking” signs everywhere in China but no one actually heeds them. They are prominently displayed in public and on public transportation but people totally ignore the prohibition of smoking. Chinese believers literally live in a smoke-filled country and many of them have loved ones who are chain smokers. Let us pray for new believers and converts who really need power from above to kick nicotine addiction.
中國目前約有一千萬例的丙型肝炎感染者,比2010年增長了13%。公眾對丙肝的認知率低、就診率低、治療率更低,導致丙肝變成嚴重的公共衛生問題。患有肝炎的人,會嚴重影響他們的工作能力。 讓我們為有肝炎的信徒來禱告,求主憐憫醫治,加添力量。尤其是當他們的家庭面臨經濟困難時,也保守他們不失去對神的信心。
有些疾病,特別是肝炎,是可以被治療的,但是醫療費用卻是一筆龐大費用。 不少民眾迷信「損肝不利己」的藥草和偏方,不願接受正規治療,最後延誤了醫治的時機。雖然,現在有更多的百姓開始享有政府提供的醫療保險,但許多人還是付擔不起昂貴的醫薬費。我們記念那些沒有醫療保險的肢體,尤其是患有難以醫治的病痛,願全能的神賜下憐憫醫治他們。
在未來三十年裡中國仍然會是世界上最大的宣教禾場,因為中國仍然擁有全球數量最多的不信者和未曾聽聞福音的人。讓我們繼續為這個「世界上最大的宣教禾場」禱告。為那些未得聞真理未能得永生福氣的同胞切切代求。願求主攪動我們 ,興起更多信徒回應大使命,齊來為達成這個目標而擺上自己。
中國擁有百萬以上人口的縣級城市 2,300個。根據一項研究,這些城市當中可能只有三分之一是有教會的。數據顕示,一般來說,中國越向西行,基督徒的比率就越少。我們要為所有基督徒有傳福音的異象與負擔來禱告。在中國社會急劇轉變之際,神的兒女能站在破口守望,發揮強大的影響力,讓基督徒能夠「把醫治帶給個人、建立健康的家庭和健全的社區」來祈求仰望神。

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