Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Prayer Request 6/14 - 6/20

About 9.33 million students took the "gao kao", the national college entrance exam in China, which is a fifteen percent decrease over last year. This is the third year there has been such a decrease and it reflects the lower number of high school students in China, the result of the one-child policy which was instituted twenty years ago. As it becomes easier to get into college and wages for workers with only a high school education increase substantially, the number of students who enroll in Bible training has also decreased. We pray that young Chinese believers will see full-time ministry not as an alternative, or a stable job to do if all else fails as has been so often in the past especially in rural churches. May they sense God's calling to His work.

According to a recent survey, about 70% of Internet users believe that legitimacy, transparency, and honesty are essential for anyone who works for charity, and that donations should not be used as a tool for individuals or enterprises to make money or improve their image. In recent years the enthusiasm of the public for charitable donations has been adversely affected by a number of scandals. Unfortunately, believers in China have this same kind of pessimism about how their offerings are used because few churches have a transparent accounting system in place. We know church leaders want their members to trust them so we pray for integrity and openness of all church leaders in their handling of church finances, their leadership style, and their personal lives.

The greatest injury the churches in China will suffer in the coming years will probably not be from external circumstances but rather from the divisive trend of forming denominations from within. The "fight" of claiming which churches belong to which denomination is heating up and getting rather ugly. May the Lord have mercy on all of us and help us not to see ourselves as better than others, even theologically, but rather to have the humility of Jesus. May He grant us teachable hearts that bear gentleness, the fruit of the Spirit.

The big issue facing churches in China is being accepted by society and becoming legalized. Chinese believers come from all walks of life, represent all professions, and even have notable Christians or "celebrities" among them. This is a good and healthy trend for churches because it shows that Christianity is having a positive influence on Chinese society now. We praise God for believers who are from diverse backgrounds. May the Spirit of the Lord move on not only the farm laborers but also on the highly educated. Churches in China need to learn to accept one another whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated, and not be critical of one another.

Chinese churches in the past have been marginalized culturally and considered as a place for only poor people even though the majority of Chinese people were peasants themselves. However, as China continues to be urbanized, city culture will become the dominant culture and urban churches will be the mainstream of China churches. Rural churches greatly need our supplications and prayers that God will add to their faith to trust Him that He is able to do great things for them and bring revival to the pastors, leaders, and every believer.

Throughout the countryside in China there is a virtual absence of farmers under the age of forty which speaks to the urbanization of China. Youngsters escape as soon as possible to go to work in towns far and near leaving their aging parents to till the soil. With the rural labor pool shrinking, wages are rising.Rural churches continue to suffer from the exodus of young people which is not likely to improve. Many churches are without shepherds so they easily and quickly become the prey of cults. We pray earnestly for the need of new and younger workers in churches.

Once their only child leaves home, many couples suddenly realize they have lost their anchor or focus in life. These middle-aged "empty-nesters" often have stable jobs and incomes but very few outside interests or recreational activity. Many Chinese believers have little involvement in the church outside of Sunday attendance. They are busy with their only child. We pray that middle-aged believers will become the key workers in churches and be strong in giving of both their money and their time.

中國今年有930萬人參加高考,比去年減少15%, 考生數減少已連續第三年。此趨勢還會持續數年。高考人數減少主因是因高中生人數下降,乃二十年前政府推行一胎化政策,使出生人口持續下降。因人口減少,競爭率變低,能進大學的人越來越多。一般高校程度薪資普遍增高,也間接減少願意接受神學裝備的人選。讓我們禱告,願年輕一代的信徒獻身服事神,不是因為糊口,而是真看重神的聖潔呼召







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