Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Prayer Request 4/5 - 4/11

It will take another generation to change the Chinese habits of saving and spending. In the old days, the government provided a lifetime job with a pension afterwrd. Now, however, the prospect of losing one's job is very real so everyone must save money on his or her own. It is a common attitude among Chinese to feel that they are not rich at all and this perception often stops believers from giving to God. Churches also often feel the same way so they do no do any ministry because they see themselves as poor. May the Lord help us to fix our eyes on Him, not just counting what we have in the bank or in church savings.
For the majority of the house churches in China, the concept of church administration is very foreign. The church is often run by one person and without accountability so there is a great need for training along these lines. We pray for those who are teaching classes along these lines and that the leaders in the churches will be able to realize that accountability in their churches promotes healthy church growth, raising up new leaders, and protecting the church from slanders.
The most difficult part of student minstry in China is discipleship which includes training them to lead Bible studies and small groups along with evangelism. These are necessary but time-consuming and challenging areas of service. One real problem is the monitoring and interference of the police or officials which is a big concern on every campus. Many students have believed in Jesus but have not revealed their decision to their families because of the expected opposition. We pray for God's strength for all of those who are discipling college students and for His protection on these new seedlings of the faith. May there be people to nurture all those who have professed faith in Jesus.
With the one-child policy in place in China, there is one younger couple to take care of four elderly parents. The cost of caring for seniors has also skyrocketed as rural communities become more urbanized. Chinese know that if they do not save enough money themselves there might not be anyone to take care of them when they get old. We as Christians should honor our parents and take care of them when they get old. Let us pray that young believers will not only care for their elderly parents but that they will do it in gentleness and love so they can be a good witness for Jesus and be able to share the salvation of Jesus with them.
In the past only old people in China lived alone. Now middle-aged parents find themselves with an empty nest. It is common that these parents suffer from depression, a sense of loss, and anxiety. Theoretically the middle-aged "empty nest syndrome" can last up to twenty-five years. We pray for all the believers who fall into this category. May they find more time to get involved in church work and help out where they can by serving effectively using their spiritual gifts.
Part of the risk of leading college students in China is attracting the attention of police, especially when the group gets larger. Even students are forced to be informants for the police. There are many unique challenges in a ministry to college students and it is also time-consuming because it requires a great deal of discipleship. It is not easy to see concrete short-term results. It is nearly a universal problem that some college students are threatened and warned not to attend the Bible studies, or forced to become informants. We pray for God's mercy on those who are forced to be a "Judas". May the Lord give them another chance to experience His abundant grace.
There are many young intellectuals who have become Christians and some have even become pastors. The question is, "How do they support themselves?" Pastors in rural churches can often support themselves because they have at least a plot of land to grow food. But for those who serve God in the cities, it is a different story since the churches often do not collect enough to support a pastor.For the intellectuals who want to go into full-time ministry in China, there is no such thing as a "salary and benefit package". That means opposition from their parents and even no marriage prospects. We must pray for God's grace and faith for every young person who is deciding to answer God's call to serve in a church in China.

當牧養的大學生人數一多,就容易會被「關注」。學生中也會有人被迫向警方報告。學生工作本來就需要長時間而有效率的訓練工作,很難在一時真收到具體、長遠的績效。的確有些學生受到類似壓力,而成為”做報告”者。幾乎每個牧養大學生的同工,都會遇到這種難題。我們為處理這樣的問題,同工們都有智慧,及憐憫的心。也為這些「身不由己」的「猶大」們,求 神憐憫他們,再給他們機會去真正經歷主的恩典。

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