Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Prayer Request 3/1 - 3/7

China is the world's second largest market for luxury goods and in ten years it is expected to be the top one, consuming 44% of the world's luxury goods. Ironically a recent report siad that the phenomenon of having a mistress (er naior second wife) accounts for the consumption of a third of the luxury items in China so we can see the staggering problem of corruption there. It is disheartening for believers to see wicked people prosper and still go unpunished. The greatest challenge of being a Christian in China is no longer standing up for one's faith but rather staying faithful to God. May the Lord have mercy on each of us as His church and may He guard our eyes and minds from evil. Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you. (Psa 73:25 )
In China men are more likely to buy luxury goods than women. These items are used as a "lubricant" to make smooth business deals and seal such transactions. Another reason for buying them is to please a mistress. The culture of giving luxurious gifts in business is very prevalent as a means of showing trust among businessmen and explains why luxury items are uniquely popular in China. Giving gifts is a long-standing tradition in China but the intentions for such giving are often blurry ethically. We pray for wisdom, integrity, and a strong Christian testimony for all believers, not only in the workplace but also in personal dealings and even in the church.
In China, mistresses love to dazzle people by wearing luxury items in public as a way to show off the fact that they have a wealthy benefactor. To understand such a phenomenon, one needs to realize that mistresses are very insecure people and when a government official boasts that he has a mistress, he is spending beyond his salary and the money invariably comes from corrupted means and deals. It is said that those who can afford it, wear name brands and those who cannot, buy fake things. This mentality can also be found among believers. As we point fingers at so much corruption around us, we pray that the Holy Spirt will remind us what it means to live a life of contentment and purity.
China is grappling with a prolonged drought which affects wheat production in the northern region of the country. Inflation coupled with drought has driven the cost of flour up eight percent in the past two months. In the last two years China has even stopped exporting wheat. We do believe that God listens to our prayers, even those about the weather and rainfall, so we remember all of the farmers who are facing a poor harvest this year, especially those who are believers. We pray, too, for rural churches in the northern part of China, especially those that are weak and without a shepherd as well as the churches that are now stagnant and even unfed. May the Lord provide physical, financial, and spiritual nourishment for them.
The White House is opening an internship program for students from mainland China. Ten students from Chongqing will be selected to participate in a month-long internship at the White House this year. Applicants must be independent, sociable students with skills in leadership and debating. They must enjoy challenging the viewpoints of others and defending their own. The vast majority of pastors in China who are in training in seminary are thrust into serving in churches without the benefit of learning from a more experienced worker. Let us pray for wisdom, great interpersonal skills, and support from believers in addition to a close walk with Jesus each day for each of these seminary students.
In 2000, Chinese aged 65 and over made up 6.8% of the population of China but by 2009, this age group composed a total of 8.3% of the population which is significantly higher than the world average of 7.5%. One thing that is unique to China is that the elderly are not financially well off. It is fair to say that older believers make up the majority of people in the churches in China. Seniors may not be able to give financially but they have a lot of time. We pray for their spiritual vitality and all of the time they give to visitation, teaching, and service in the churches. May their efforts be fruitful and be a great inspiration for all of the young believers.
Educators in China say that the culture of cheating there takes root in high school where the competition for slots in the country's best colleges is unrelenting and high marks on the standardized tests are the most important criterion for admission to college. Students focus on studying how to take tests and memorizing answers rather than learning to apply what they learn and think for themselves. Thus, they resort cheating to graduate. Many Chinese believers are very impressive in their ability to memorize Bible verses. It is our prayer that all of us would be doers of God's word rather than merely having it stored up in our heads and thereby justifying ourselves as spiritual and superior to others.

美國白宮今年將推行中國實習生計畫。申請人必須獨立、善交際、具領導能力、也善於辯論。他們不單能挑戰別人的觀點,也能為自己的看法辯護。 10名優秀的重慶學生通過選拔,將在白宮當實習生,為期一個月。在中國神學院受裝備的年輕牧者,絕大多數沒有受惠於老一代傳道人從旁教導,就到教會事奉。讓我們特別為這群年輕牧者祈求,願主賜下屬天的智慧,幫助他們有好的人際技巧和信徒的鼓勵支持,天天與主親密同行。
2000年,中國65歲以上老人占人口結構比重為6.8%。至2009年,這年齡組別的比例已達8.3%,顯著超出世界平均水平7.5%。其中不容忽視的是中國的老人經濟上不大富裕。 中國教會裏大部分都是老信徒,他們在金錢上或許沒什麽奉獻能力,但卻有很多時間參與教會事工。求神使他們靈命上滿有活力,並在代禱,關懷探訪、教導和教會服侍上大有果效,成為年輕信徒的屬靈榜樣。
教育專家認為,作弊問題源於中學。要進中國頂尖大學,競爭十分激烈。要獲這些大學錄取,公開考試能否拿到高分更是至為關鍵。學生只專注在怎樣應試和背誦答案,常忽略運用所學和獨立思考。為了要畢業,甚至不惜選擇作弊。 許多中國信徒都能滾瓜爛熟地背誦聖經經文。求主幫助我們每個人,不要將神的話語僅變成頭腦裡的知識,或以此自義傲人,而是要將真理活出來,用好見証榮神益人。

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