Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Prayer Request 2/15 - 2/21

In large cities like Beijing and Shanghai where rent is very high, many of the so-called "ant people" (college grads without a good job) resort to renting rooms together. In 2010 the increase in the price of rent in large cities surpassed the increases in the price of housing. As the rent continues its upward trend, more young people will have to live together in rented rooms. We remember all the young people who grew up in Christian homes but are now living away from home and their only contact with their family is by an occasional phone call. We pray the Holy Spirit will move their hearts to remember that God is always with them and He has a great purpose for them.
Beijing is implementing a new policy this year which forbids the division of one's basement for rental purposes and thus stops the subletting of rooms. This new restriction will undoubtedly drive the millions of lower-wage earners right out of the capitol and make Beijing so expensive that only the elites can live there.Finding affordable housing in big cities is very difficult for migrant workers. If Beijing succeeds in this effort, other big cities might do the same. We remember all the believers who face the tough decision of whether to go back home to their villages or pay more for rent in order to work in the cities. We also uplift their families in our prayer because most of them have to live apart from their families.
The term "Northward drift" implies that people are going to Beijing to find work. It is not something new because Mao Zedong, Lu Xun, and millions of other young Chinese have gone to the capitol seeking new opportunities. Mao worked in the university library. The "Northward drift" actually brought many talented youth to the cities and there have been countless success stories.Maybe officials who chased away young people who wanted to realize their dream in the capitol did more harm than good.Let us pray for all the young believers who are in cities trying their luck. May the Lord give them clear direction, open doors, and answer their prayers as they seek to honor God in their lives.
"Ant people" are young people who rent rooms together because they cannot afford the high rent in the cities. In Beijing, certain neighborhoods are well known for this kind of high-density living. Although the rent becomes more affordable with this arrangement, it attracts migrant workers and creates a dilemma for public safety. In China's big cities, there are many pockets where the "outsiders" outnumber the native residents and these neighborhoods have very few churches. Let us pray that the gospel can be shared with the many people who feel they are trapped and lost in cities in China.
"Naked marriage" is a new phrase coined for those who get married with only a court registration. They do not buy an apartment or a car. They host no wedding feast and don't even spend money to buy a ring. This is a new social phenomenon in China which is popular among those twenty to thirty-five years of age. They consider themselves avant-garde bucking the social norm of marriage customs even though many are white collar workers with a high income and highly educated .We pray for those young believers whose courtship or even marriage did not receive the approval of their parents. May the Lord bring healing and reconciliation with their families. We remember, too, those who are livng together but know well this is not the will of God because of their childhood training.
In the past decade as the Chinese government has changed its policy toward religion, traditional religions have returned and many Chinese have embraced them. Joining the boom in tourism, many old Buddhist and Taoist temples have worked with the government to rebuild and make themselves tourist destinations. Unfortunately the majority of the older Christian churches are in city centers and are facing demolition or are considered "too old to remodel". We remember these older churches in particular. May the Lord give them a special burden to share their faith with passion and renewed effort because of their rich heritage and blessings.
Many new Chinese believers are immediately pressed into serving in the church before they have been baptized or have even read the Bible through once. This can be a very dangerous practice because their faith is so new and when they then encounter difficulties, they often become easily frustrated and give up. Let us commit to pray for all the new believers in the churches in China that their faith will be kept safe and growing. We pray for God's mercy in helpng churches to know how to nurture the new believers and help them to grow solidly on God's Word so that their faith will then bear even more fruit.

雖然「群租」解決了「蟻族」安家的問題,但卻引發一連串社會問題。如北京「蟻族」聚集區「唐家嶺和六郎莊」,由於距離中關村等企業密集區比較近,房租又便宜,遂吸引大量外地人在此租住,出現嚴重的亂搭、亂建現象。在大城市裡,很多區域的人口是「外地人」,甚至遠超過當地人。該地區中,教會聚會點少而又少,求主恩待這些居民,幫助屬神的人能彼此扶持,也賜未信的人有機會聽聞福音,並差派信徒關懷、幫助這些城市中「失落」的靈魂 。

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