Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Prayer Request 2/9 - 2/15

An American college president predicted that within 25 years, a Chinese university can be one of the top 10 universities in the world. Qinghua, China's highest-ranking university, is 49th in the world now. In the past decade, the number of Chinese colleges has doubled (to 2200) and the number of college students has increased fivefold to 5 million. College student ministry is very rewarding. However, follow-up and connecting graduates to churches are more difficult. Let us pray for all those who accepted Jesus or were baptized but are no longer attending churches. May the Spirit quicken their hearts and bring them back to local churches or fellowships.

Why does the average Chinese person love to buy houses? Because there are few options for investments or means to preserve wealth. The Chinese also cannot depend on retirement benefits offered by the government or their companies. Buying houses provides rental income. This is a big reason China's housing market has been red-hot year after year. Believers are also caught up in the frenzy of buying houses. Many own houses but still they feel they are cash-poor and cannot afford to give offerings. Let us pray that all of us would trust the Lord to provide what we need and that we would be faithful stewards of what God entrusts us.

The revival of house churches of the last century gave rise to legendary and powerful leaders among several large church groups. These leaders share some common traits, personal charisma and a real mix of individualism and adventure. Unfortunately, quite a number of these leaders have fallen since. It is commonly agreed that China churches badly need leaders who are transparent and demonstrate servant-leadership. We pray especially those in their 30-50, may the Lord continue to transform them, preparing them to lead not by their own strength but humility of Christ.

The "left-over-men" is a term that has been coined for all the bachelors who are of marriageable age in China where the male-female ratio is so badly skewed. Even young men unless they have certain advantages such as having a family saving money to help them, are likely to have difficulty finding a wife in the highly-competitive marriage market. We pray for all the brothers in the churches who are single. For those who are waiting for God's choice, we pray along with them. May the Lord be their peace whether they are married or alone. We pray, too, that they will be able to be more involved in the church, not just because they have more free time but because they are willing to help.

Many young people have graduated from seminary training in China but many of them are not clear about the true meaning of sacrificial service, or they are not so gifted or able to serve as those who worked in the churches in the past, and the drop-out rate is alarmingly high. There are those who say the quality of today's students is not so good as that of those in the years past. However, we know that God can use all who are humble and weak and so we keep praying for those who are being trained now. May the Lord give them wisdom, integrity, humility, and passion for His flock.

One reason Chinese save is that it is difficult for them to borrow. Only 11% of younger households have a mortgage for their home and those who do, try to pay it off within five years. Celebrating the last payment on a couple's mortgage is considered a milestone.Many young people will work very hard all week, including Sundays, in order to save. Many churches have no young couples and are unable to form a core group of that age. Let us pray for the desire of numerous churches to reach out to young families. May the Lord raise up countless young families who not only fit into the church but also serve there.

Corruption at every level is a huge problem not only for the government but also for Christians who are trying to provide community services with donated money and equipment. There is an overwhelmingly cynical feeling that money donated for good causes will somehow end up in the fat wallets of officials. We pray for those who must deal with people who seek bribes from Christians in ministry and those in business, too. May the Lord give them wisdom and integrity.

一位美國大學校長認為,不出二十五年中國的學府將會名列世界十大。清華大學現排名最前(名列四十九)。過去十年中國的高等學府數量已翻了一倍(現有2,200 間),大學生增加了5倍(現有五百萬)。投資大學校園事工是極具價值並大有果效。但學生畢業後的關懷和引導他們進入教會並不容易。我們?已接受耶穌基督且受洗卻沒再上教會的迷羊禱告,願聖靈激勵、引導他們返回教會和團契。

中國人為何格外喜歡購買房產?因為金融市場提供不了足夠的投資選擇和財富保值途經。中國人不能依靠國家發放的退休金和其他社會保障福利生活。由於房產可帶來租金收入,因此中國房產市場一年比一年熾熱。 信徒也同樣陷入瘋狂的購房熱。很多人雖擁有房子但仍覺欠缺,無力奉獻。讓我們禱告,願所有人都信靠主供應完備,並忠心管理神所託付我們的,作個好管家。

中國教會上個世紀的大復興,崛起了一些傳奇性的領袖,建立起巨大 的福音團隊。這些領袖的共同點就是同屬「個人才幹加上冒險的綜合型」。可惜其中不少在服事的路上跌倒 了。中國教會迫切需要行事透明且有僕人的服事心志的領袖。我們特別為年屆三旬至五旬的中生代傳道和同工禱告,求主塑造他們,裝備他們,使他們不恃己力,而是全然 謙卑倚靠主基督。

所謂 「剩男」,就是當婚而未婚的大齡男性。鑑於中國男女比例嚴重失衡,那些剛入青春期的大男孩,如果沒有特別條件,很可能找不到對象。男孩的父母們為了讓兒子在競爭激烈的婚姻市場上找到媳婦,只能盡其所能為孩子積攢家產。 我們為教會裏所有單身、等候神預備的弟兄們禱告,無論是要守獨身或等候婚姻的,都求主保守他們心靈平靜安穩。也讓他們能積極參與教會事奉,欣然服事神。




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