Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Prayer Request 1/5 - 1/11

The majority of wealthy Chinese businessmen who made their fortune twenty to thirty years ago had no more than a grade school education. They have, however, put a great emphasis on sending their children abroad to receive the best education possible. Many are excited to see how their children will combine their huge family wealth with the Western business perspectives they learned. Younger Chinese pastors now have far more theological training than the previous generations of church workers had. Older pastors emphasize that spirituality comes from suffering for Christ and a sacrificial commitment to Him. Let us pray for a smooth transition of leadership in the churches. May the Lord bless us with another generation of faithful workers.

The Communist Party claims to have more than seventy-two million members, the largest party in the world. It is very strict about admitting new members but its ranks still grow by seven percent annually. Realistically and practically, one has little opportunity to advance without being a member of the party in China. College students who come to know Jesus always struggle with the problem of whether their faith will hurt their chance to get party membership. We pray along with them for faith in the eternal and almighty God, for their commitment to Jesus and their sense of betraying the expectations of their parents by giving up party membership.

It is common for young people in rural areas to get married and then go to work in the cities. This is both a tradition and also a fulfilling of the expectation of their parents. As the divorce rate increases in this group, they face the problem of who will care for their elderly parents, who will care for their children, and the division of their properties back home in the village.Many young people have grown up in church but have long ago stopped attending church and literally "lost their faith". We take this time to pray for those "lost" sheep and those who are struggling with broken marriages. May the Lord be merciful and gracious and help them to return to His fold.

It is common to see one pastor shepherd multiple congregations. Such disparity in the pastor/member ratio creates a situation where pastors are unable to meaningfully care the needs of the believers. Pastors are extremely busy because they have to take on the responsibility of the administration (paying for utilities, renting and other expenses) of multiple meeting sites. Lacking a true coworker team is a common problem for many churches, because many churches are run in a very centralized and closed fashion. Let us pray for all the churches, as they seek people who are willing to commit and building up of leadership team.

Improving both the quantity and quality of pastors is one of the biggest challenges of the Chinese churches. Many answered the call but lack a systematic theological training, many lack the concept of how to properly minister the congregation. Many of them are sent out to do task that is far demanding and inadequately equipped. We must continue to beseech the Lord to strengthen the shepherd and send more workers. In the mean time, we are committed to pray for those who badly needs encouragement, refreshing and equipping. We too pray that their sheep will empathize with them and being appreciative of their pastors, instead of being critical and demanding.

For Chinese parents, the ultimate and the entire effort of education is to get their only child into college. That means getting the best grades at every stage. Parents often repeat the mantra: "There are xxx days till college examination." or "study like hell and you will enjoy paradise in college". Far more youth are not able to get into college, because they lack the grades or financial ability. We pray especially for Christian teens who must start working at the end of high school. We know God has a perfect plan for them even without a college education. May the Lord grant them faith in Him and favor before all people.

Ministry among college students has become an important component of ministry in China. Some colleges have five or six fellowship groups or even more. This is a new chapter in the history of house churches and some of them are composed exclusively of students and recent college graduates. We take this time to pray for those student churches. It is not easy to carry them on because of the nature of this kind of ministry. The students cannot stay on after graduation and are not able to contribute to the work financially. We pray for all of the discipleship training done in these student fellowships and churches. May the Lord reward those who are leading, who are involved and who give to these young believers.


共產黨宣稱七千二百萬黨員,是世界最大的政黨。申請入加入共產黨的篩選過程非常嚴謹,但每年增長仍為7%。從現實角度看,想在中國打開事業前景,沒入黨相對的機會變減少許多。許多主內的大學生常疑慮:堅持信仰是否削弱入黨機會,或者沒有積極入黨會讓父母期望落空, 讓我們為這些在這事上進退兩難的年輕肢體禱告,求聖靈自己的保守使他們堅定的做出討神喜悅的決定,能全心委身主耶穌為神來使用。




中國的家長們常灌輸孩子,學習就是為要考上大學的思想,不斷強調上大學才可出人頭地、光宗耀祖。並且每天替他們倒數考試的日子,不斷催促及加壓予他們。有很多年輕人因家庭財力、地位、人事等因素, 只可完成高中而未能考上大學。願神賜下亮光,幫助他們明白神賦予每個人有不同精彩的人生, 縱然未考上大學, 神仍有美好藍圖使每個生命都能綻放出獨特的繽紛色彩。

大學學生事工是中國事工中很重要的一環。雨後春筍般的學生團契紛 紛成立,有的大學甚至有五、六個團契。年輕知識份子紛紛投入基督的懷抱,「學生教會」儼然成了今日教會的新局面。因學生很難以金錢支持教會發展,畢業後也難留在原處,維持此類事工著實不易。讓我們為學生團契和教會的門徒訓練禱告,願神親自記念獎賞那些奉獻人力、物力,時間、心血來支持學生事工的人。

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