Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Prayer Request 10/27 - 11/02

After the founding of the Republic of China, the so-called "black society" criminal enterprises were eradicated but a recent string of high-profile crackdowns and the sentencing of organized crime bosses shows that criminal activities have come back in full swing. It is apparent that criminals today are not only much more sophisticated but also well-connected with corrupted officials in high places. Prosperity without God leads only to moral depravity and decline. China today needs Jesus more than ever before. Let us pray for the softening of the hearts of people in China, the advancement of the gospel and for believers to be bold to share Jesus with their neighbors.

During 2008 and 2009 direct sales marketing has enjoyed two wonderful years of growth in China, expanding about 60% annually. Cosmetics, health and cleaning products, home-health care equipment, and small appliances are the most popular items. Direct marketing came to China in 1990 and grew phenomenally but was shut down by the government and did not regain approval until recently. Many Christians, including church workers, are also caught up in the fever of direct sales and the promise of making good money selling to friends. Marketing to church members brings uneasiness and complicates that relationship. Let us pray that all believers will have this same excitement about sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with their friends and relatives.

In recent years the "Greater Suzhou Area" has become a magnet for foreign investors with nearly two thousand Taiwanese-owned high-tech factories there. Their being close to metropolitan Shanghai, having an efficient local government, the availability of a high-quality pool of laborers, and the famous Suzhou hospitality have all been contributing factors to the success of these efforts. There are many opportunities for ministry in this area, such as churches started by Taiwanese businessmen, student ministries, outreach programs to factory workers, house churches made up of expats, and Bible study groups for engineers. Let us pray for these unusual opportunities in several areas in China where there are many foreign-owned factories.

It is not quite fair to blame the lack of quality leadership in the churches of China on the leaders themselves. The people in the churches must also share the blame because they falsely believe the shepherds are servants who are to work with a reward given only when they get to heaven. They assume their leaders can serve 24/7 without caring for their own families. We must pray fervently for God's protection for our leaders when their marriages crumble and their children do not have parents to spend quality them with them. Satan also attacks them with visions of money and fame and temptations to illicit sex. When the shepherds fall, the sheep scatter, the churches suffer and the name of Jesus is shamed.

Getting affordable medical care in the cities in China is not easy and in the villages it is even harder. People often avoid going to a doctor and decide to self-medicate by spending a fortune for medicines that are unsafe, low quality, and expensive. A serious illness will easily wipe out savings for most families. Let us pray for believers who have family members who need medical care that it will not be either a psychological nor a medical burden. May the Lord give them wisdom, peace, and His comfort.

Chinese government is cracking down on illegal financial entities--those companies or individuals who promise high return or rapid gain for investments. Many put their life savings into these so-called "safe investments" because banks offer very low returns and stocks have been beaten down. Believers are not immune to greed and often fall prey to get-rich-quick schemes. Let us pray for contentment and guarding against greed for all of us.

China has the busiest railways in the world. She carries 1/4 of the world's traffic on 6% of its tracks. China is building a whole new network of high-speed trains, not only faster but connecting all the key cities from the inland west to the eastern coast. The Beijing-to-Shanghai line will cut the journey time between the two cities from ten hours to four. Church workers can move about much easier and become more efficient in ministry which require traveling. There are lots of temptations especially when believers leave home in China. We pray for God's strength in resisting sexual temptation for all of us. May we all walk closely with Jesus and the Holy Spirit remind us that our body is His temple.


過去兩年,中國的直銷巿場迅速發展,每年的增長率更達60%之多。最受歡迎的五類商品為化妝品、保健食品、保健器材、清潔用品及小型家電。其實,直銷的概念早已在九十年代初從外國引入並開始漸露頭角,但後來遭政府禁止,直至近年才恢復開放。許多信徒(抱括牧者) 也捲入直銷熱潮,熱衷向親戚朋友推銷,以取得不錯的回報。然而這卻使原本單純的主內弟兄姐妹關係變成複雜,隨之衍生許多誤會和難處。求主幫助信徒常存清潔的良心,不要成為別人的絆腳石。也祈求信徒對分享福音有更大的熱忱,願意與親友共享主耶穌的好消息。





中國的鐵路系統是世界最繁忙的,載客量佔世界的1 / 4,但卻只有世界6%的行車路軌。近年,中國積極建造一個全新的高速鐵路網,不但速度更快,而且從內陸西部到東面海岸,連接更多主要城市。不久的將來,北京至上海線的行車時間,將從10小時減至4小時。交通便捷也有助教會同工更方便、有效地在多個城市服侍。但出門在外形孤影單,也格外容易受到試探誘惑。求主的靈常常提醒屬祂的人,身體是神的殿,總要保持與主親密的關係,才有力量抵擋仇敵的攻擊(尤其性的誘惑)。

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