Monday, July 13, 2009


As the ethnic violence erupted in Xingjian, waves of revenge continued between the Han and Uighur people. The government was quick to stress that "China is a body of diverse ethnic groups and Han Chinese and Chinese minority groups are inseparable." The minority groups have generally been bypassed in the recent economic boom in China. And, those who work in community relief ministry in the ethnic minority regions usually are monitored and must be extremely careful. Let us spend some time praying for these Chinese ethnic minorities, especially those who are Muslims and those who serve among them in the name of Jesus.


During the recent violent ethnic conflict, university students in the capital, Urumqi, both Uighur and Han were involved. The government officials specifically appealed to students not to take sides and remain calm. Urumqi has several colleges attended by many Muslim students. There have also been a lot of Bible study groups near university campuses. Church work among the Muslim is always tricky and difficult. We pray for the safety of believers and the workers there.


While many of the Chinese minority groups have moved to the cities and mixed in with Han residents, the Muslim-believing minorities are much more noticeable than others because they retain their clothing and dietary codes. Muslim restaurants can be found in almost every Chinese city and are very popular. Chinese believers usually consider their Muslim neighbors are resistant to the gospel and remain distant from them. We pray that churches would show love to their Muslim neighbors down the streets (street) before talking about sharing the Gospel in the Muslim world.


There are many who became active believers in college but no longer even attend church now that they are out of college. They do not fit into the open churches (the memebers there are older and not well educated), they cannot find a house church, or they simply have lost their faith. We pray for all of these "lost sheep" and ask the Lord to use other believers to bring them back to His fold. We pray, too, for those who have continued following the Lord and are now leading Bible studies in their workplaces.


Since the late 1990's millions of rural residents in China have moved into cities. Rural churches have lost uncounted young believers but the urban churches have not found them either. Countless believers have been "lost" and need to be found again. Many churches are sincerely trying to reach out to these "lost" ones but it has proven difficult for many reasons. We pray for these believers who are now in the cities but no longer connected with a church. We pray, too, for new strategies to seek for them and help them return to God's fold.


As they have moved to the cities to work, many people have stopped going to church. They do not feel comfortable in the urban churches because of their peasant background and their needs are different also. We pray that churches in the cities in China can genuinely accept these rural brothers and sisters. If we cannot love those who are weaker and have less than we do, we cannot love the God we cannot see nor can we say, "We want to be world missionaries."

隨著大量農民轉投城市工作,他們也從此停止返教會聚會。由於其農民背景並獨特需要,這些農民信徒往往不太適應城市的教會生活。 如果我們不能愛身邊那些比我們弱小的貧窮人,便很難愛那看不見的神,更沒資格說要成為世界宣教士了。讓我們求神,感動更多的中國城市教會願意真正接納來自農村的弟兄姊妹。!

There is a great difference in how one ministers to urban Chinese and rural believers. In the villages, Christians have more time and seem to be "more willing to be taught". Many find it hard to motivate the believers in the cities and get them committed to the Lord's work. We pray that those who serve in the cities will not be frustrated but will remain faithful and diligent in their calling. We also pray for wisdom and further training for those who minister in the cities.

城市和農村弟兄姊妹的牧養工作存在很大差異。農村的基督徒時間較多,也較願意接受教導;反之要激發城市的信徒委身於主的事工,很多人覺得有相當大的難度。 讓我們爲那些服侍城市信眾的同工禱告,求神譲他們不至氣餒,能忠於主的呼召。也求神加添他們智慧,並讓這些牧養城市信徒的同工能有機會接受進一步裝備。

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