Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Prayer Request 6/2 - 6/8

In Taiwan, those who are entering elementary school this summer will no longer have to look forward to taking an entrance examination to go to high school, thus implementing a free twelve-year education system. However, those who want to go to the popular private schools will still be required to take their exams. Putting studies before the Lord has been a way of life for years in Taiwan. Passing the exams was much more important than going to church. We pray that all parents will know what really pleases the Lord and that it is their responsibility to teach their children to love God.

The vast majority of churches in China and Taiwan have only a few children attending them. In Taiwan, the largest denomination acknowledged that attendees who are forty years old and under constitute only 10% of their total Sunday attendance. Many church congregations are mostly gray-haired people and ladies. Many church leaders do not even see the urgency or need for children' ministries. Let us pray for a revival of winning the children and youth for the Lord and that more pastors will catch a vision for ministry among children.

Forty years ago Mao sent millions of young intellectuals to the villages to reform them but they did not get much real benefit from the communes. Now the government wants to really transform the backward villages by staffing them with officials who have graduated from college. Churches in the villages are in serious need of pastors and people who can lead and equip the believers. Let us pray for those who choose to stay and serve in rural churches, especially those who are training the rural leaders to preach God's Word.

A survey shows that three-fifths of students have viewed internet pornography and that nearly all college students have done so. The Chinese taboo of discussing sex is one reason why young people flock to the net for anything about sex. Let us pray that Christian parents will have wisdom to discuss the subject of sex with their children. We also commit to God all Christian teens that they may desire to keep themselves pure and flee from sexual temptation.

A government survey shows that a great gap exists between the rich and the poor. A huge perceived gap exists between party officials and the common people. Despite the official call of having a harmonious society, such disparities bring social tensions. Chinese Christians generally feel they are poor and take a pessimistic view of these social inequalities feeling they are powerless to do anything about them. We pray that all of us will have a passion to share the Good News with the have-nots and compassion for those who are less fortunate than we are.

There is an increasingly large gap in the educational levels of those in rural and urban China. Compared with the 13.6 percent of college graduates in the city, only 0.7 percent of those in rural areas have college degrees. Only 26.8 percent of the students in the countryside even continue schooling after they finish junior high school which is part of China's nine-year compulsory education plan with subsidies going to rural students.Many of the pastors and believers in rural areas feel inadequate because of their very limited education. Let us pray for confidence and good self-esteem for millions of Chinese believers who have little education. May the Lord open their eyes and enable them to understand His perfect will in their lives as they read His Word.

Forty years ago village doctors were called "bare foot doctors" . They were the young city intellectuals who were given rudimentary training to serve in the poor villages. There they provided the medical care which had previously been unavailable. Most of them are now retiring which means villages are losing the only community medical personnel they have had. Rural churches are also facing a shortage of church workers because many are now getting too old to work and few of the young ones are willing to stay and work in the villages. Let us pray for those who have answered the call to serve in the villages despite all the difficulties and the bleak outlook. May the Lord give them strength for each new day.

臺灣今夏入讀小一的學生,將可直升高中,享受將實施十二年國民義務教育。 然而,想入讀名校的學生則仍需面對考試。許多基督徒父母常常為讓子女有多點時間讀書,而不會鼓勵自己的子女去教會敬拜及參加團契。我們求神感動讓作父母親的能明白肩負起引導子女敬愛上帝的責任是真正討神喜悅的事。






40年前,鄉村醫生被稱作「赤腳醫生」。那時被派到鄉村服務的“赤腳醫生” ,雖只受過基本醫療訓練,卻是村民眼裡「最可愛的人」,全村唯一的「知識分子」 。「老村醫退了,年輕村醫補充不進來」鄉村醫療後繼乏人。鄉村教會也同樣面臨著「人走網破」的危機:年老的傳道退下了,卻無人接手。年輕的即便來了,也待不住。我們為所有因應神的呼召,而不辭辛勞和代價地在鄉村服事的傳道同工禱告,求主與他們同行,使他們心靈和力量日日被主更新,忠心堅定地為主作工。

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