Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Prayer Request 4/7 - 4/13

Many people in China easily fall prey to different kinds of cults as well as the occult. They preach and teach ridiculous interpretations of the Scripture yet many naive believers take that as the truth. It is very sad that sincere but untaught believers become victims of these cults and the occult with no one to teach them how to discern the right way to go. We pray for those who have fallen away from the Truth that God in His mercy will bring them back and make them whole.

Some of the cults ravaging the churches in China resort to dirty tricks such as threatening leaders with physical harm, kidnapping believers, leading people into sexual temptation--coming in as wolves in sheep's clothing and hijacking the entire church body. Every week churches are destroyed by cults with the result that those left are feeble and unable to function as the Lord's body. Let us pray for those churches that are under attack, specifically for their safety and wisdom. We pray, too, for those who are trying to regroup their ministry after the loss of their shepherds.

The churches in China are facing a new wave of attack by cults coming from North America. These "wolves in sheep's skins" are clean cut and polite. They attract young people, visit homes, and conduct English classes. Foreign cults see China as a big pie sitting there waiting to be devoured so they are putting forth great efforts to win people in China. We pray for spiritual alertness for all believers and for more prayer sentries to be called. May the Lord be merciful to the churches in China.

As a whole, the house churches in China are still searching for a workable model for growth. Many are still struggling with the problem of how to expand or maintain their ministry and stay unregistered with the government. In other words, they are in the legal gray zone. We pray for the preaching and outreach done by churches under all kinds of limitations, especially those that have a lack of properly equipped leaders and limited facilities. Many want to reach out to the children and youth but are unable to do so.

Whether to register with the government or not continues to be a thorny debate for many house churches. Some are negotiating with officials in order to own church property and expand their ministry. We pray along with those churches going through this often divisive and emotionally wrenching process. Through this a church often is divided and polarized. May the Lord give them wisdom, unity of spirit, and oneness of mind.

Presently the churches in China can best be described as fragmented and divided. The biggest reason for this is theological differences which are literally bordering on antagonism. Some churches will not even meet or work together because they accuse each other of being theological apostates. Believers are often taught that their interpretation of the Bible is the only one that is absolutely correct. The Bible teaches us there is only one Christ and one church so we pray for humility and mutual acceptance among all these factions in the churches in China.

Many well-meaning Western missionaries and churches take their methods of church growth and discipleship with them to China. They also support these churches financially. However, many of these ideas and methodologies need to be contextualized and adapted to China to be truly effective. We thank the Lord for all the gifts and ideas taken to the churches in China and we pray that those same churches will grow solidly on God's work and not just try to copy and imitate what works elsewhere.

提起「異端」總讓人感嘆中國人容易被迷惑。「東方閃電」、「二兩糧」、「門徒會」、「末日會」等諸多荒誕教導的群體都能在中國發展壯大,甚至有肥沃土壤可供其滋長。面對各樣的偏邪教義並不可畏,可怕的是沒人教導信徒分辨真假,一味盲從,使教會流失很多信徒。 讓我們為那些偏離真道的人禱告,求上帝以慈憐挽回他們,使他們歸回羊圈。



家庭教會整體而言還在摸索一個切合國情的教會增長模式。許多教會一方面希望發展事工,另一方面則面臨沒有向政府登記,法律上的灰色地帶問題。 讓我們為未登記教會面對在信息傳講和事工發展種種的困難,尤其欠缺周全裝備的領袖或資源匱乏的教會。求神在目前舉步爲艱的形勢下,為許多都有心發展兒童或青少年工作的教會開路。




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