Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Prayer Request 11/4-11/10

In the aftermath of the poisoned milk scandal, hundreds of volunteer lawyers have formed a nationwide network to assist victims and provide free legal assistance and restitution. This is unprecedented in China since in the past only a small group of lawyers has defended jailed Christians. There is an awakening of social consciousness in China and more people are speaking out boldly against civic wrongs. The church in China has traditionally isolated herself from society and even the needs of the community. Let us pray for a renewal of her call to be light and salt.

Many companies employ college graduates on a trial basis, pay no salaries and/or extend the trial without explanation, to cut costs. The new labor laws limit such "trial period" to 30 days. Graduating from college means unemployment for many because there are too many graduates and many are desperate and are willing to take the "trial period". We pray for strong faith and trust in God for many who have accepted Jesus in college but are out of school and unable to find work.

China is the only country in the world that has more female than male suicides. Women in the villages are particularly at risk for low self-esteem and depression. Often all it takes is an argument with a spouse or an in-law to trigger the path to suicide. While rural churches are often the site of this kind of tragedy, usually a lack of resources and counseling skills to help, make them powerless bystanders. We pray for all rural believers who have opportunities to show compassion and share Jesus with those who are in dire hopelessness.

Today 85% of the Christmas trees and decorations used in the world (as well as 80% of the toys and 70% of the shoes and umbrellas) are made in China. Giving and receiving Christmas gifts have become very popular among young people in China. Churches in China will be planning Christmas activities soon and sometimes this is the only time non-believers show an interest in Christianity. Let us pray for a strong passion to share Jesus Christ among Christians, and especially during the Christmas season.

Foreign banks have approved China's request for reconstruction loans to build roads, bridges, and hospitals in the areas where the earthquake struck in Sichuan and Gansu. Chinese Christians have been actively engaged in the efforts to rebuild communities and schools as well as to provide counseling to those who have lost everything there. This has been a unique opportunity for them and the first time Christians have been visibly involved in community work. Let us pray for their efforts, their resources, and the fruit that comes from this demonstration of God's love.

China herself has changed dramatically since 1980 but according to many observers her churches have not changed significantly during this time. Although some churches have grown, many have dwindled and weakened and mistrust and a lack of harmony still prevail, especially in the rural churches where 80%of the believers are found. The greatest need in the churches in China is for new workers who are better trained. Let us pray again for both the spirit of unity in the churches and for new workers to be raised up.

A study of adolescent sexual behavior shows nearly half of the women under twenty-five have already had sex and an even more alarming fact is that half of them have tried abortion. Since the temptations they face are great and they often do not have Christian friends for support, let us pray that all Christian teens and young adults will have the courage to follow God's design for them.


許多公司頻繁「試用」大學生,又無故增減聘期,變相節約公司用人的成本。新《勞動合同法》對此有明確規定: 試用期不得超過一個月。中國的畢業生太多了,對許多大學生而言畢業就是失業,他們也別無選擇的接受被「試用」。不少學生在求學時期相信了耶穌,但畢業之後也加入了這群失業的大軍的行列。讓我們特別為他們代禱,願神堅立的他們信心,把一生的道路繼續仰望神。


世界上85 %的聖誕樹及裝飾(以及80%的玩具和70 %的鞋和雨傘)都是中國製造的。中國年輕人互相授受聖誕禮物已经非常普遍。中國各教會即將籌備聖誕節活動,這是一年中唯一能引起非信徒對基督教產生興趣的節日。我們特別求神在聖誕節期間,預備人心,並讓信徒們充滿與人分享耶穌基督救恩的熱忱。



一項對中國青少年性行為的研究顯示,近50%在25歲以下的年輕婦女已經有性行爲,更令人震驚的是一半曾經墮過胎。教會內的年輕人同樣面臨巨大的誘惑,身邊也沒有基督徒朋友的支持和提醒。讓我們禱告, 求神保守年輕信徒們謹守真道,有勇氣來抗拒潮流,順服上帝對他們人生的帶領和安排,更能成爲彼此勸戒和提醒的屬靈夥伴。

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