Monday, October 20, 2008

Prayer Ruquest 10/21-10/27

The global financial crisis will make this year a hard year for those who are graduating from college in China. The number of people from this group who are looking for jobs and entering the market next spring is expected to exceed six million nationwide which is an increase of seven percent over 2008. Let us pray especially for graduates who came to know Jesus in college fellowships. A large number of Christian collegians stop going to church after they graduate and are then lost to follow-up. May they learn to trust the Lord and continue to grow in their faith.

There are at least seventy million of the "one-child-only" generation and they have now started working or are studying in colleges. A survey revealed that nearly half of this group have no close friends and have difficulty building friendships.Even though young people are familiar with certain Christian practices from the movies, Christianity is still considered a "foreign religion" by them. We pray especially for those who are reaching out to college students and sharing their faith with young professionals.

Not only is divorce common in China these days but it has lost the stigma it had fifteen years ago. However, sixty percent of the young people believe that children from broken families are likely to commit crimes and twenty-five percent of the student population believes divorce brings great shame on the child. Divorce is also common in today's Chinese churches. Let us remember the struggle and challenges single parents face, especially as they try to bring their children to church.

While Korea is China's third largest trading partner, China herself is Korea's largest and this bilateral trade is growing at a rate of about twenty-five percent yearly. Every week there are eight hundred thirty flights between the two countries.There are more missionaries in China from Korea than from any other country. We praise the Lord for the Korean churches and their great effort in helping the Chinese churches as well as in community outreach and student ministries.

There are 700,000 Koreans working or living in China. Every year nearly 5,000,000 tourists from Korea visit there so the sheer number of Korean Christians plus the believers from the Chinese-Korean minority who are fluent in both Chinese and Korean constitute a large pool of laborers for Christ. There are many churches in China that have Korean connections and we pray for their ministry. May the Lord use what they do to bless more believers.

Government has set a goal of doubling income of rural residents by 2020 from the 2008 level. In 2007 the average farmer's income was 4,140 yuan ($605,US). Due to their absolute poverty, the rural population was reduced from 250 million to 15 million people last year. Again we lift up all the rural churches and thank God for their love for the Lord and their hunger for His Word despite their poverty and constant loss of young people who leave to work in the cities.

The majority of Chinese believers are women and most of them have spouses who are not believers. Tension in their marriages is common and it is a great struggle for many of them to raise their child in a Christian family with Biblical teaching. We need to pray earnestly for the families of believers that these sisters in Christ will know the grace and mercy of our Lord as their constant source of help. We ask, too, along with millions of the mothers who pray daily that their children will turn to God.


目前中國約有7,000萬獨生子女,就讀於大專院校或剛剛踏進社會工作。有調查顯示,在校大學生中,接近一半獨生子女有交友問题,難以與人建立深厚友谊。雖然年輕人不難從西方電影裡看到一些教會中的生活,然而,對他們而言,基督教仍是個"洋人的宗教".讓我們為校園褔音工作禱告, 願神大大使用這批接觸校內大學生並与年輕專業人士分享褔音的同工.





中國的信徒以女性居多,配偶大多是非信徒;信仰給婚姻帶來不少張力.這種家庭環境下, 要讓自己的子女獲得好像一般基督徒家庭所給予的良好聖經教育,實在困難重重.讓我們為這些信徒家庭禱告,讓這班基督徒姊妹能信靠神的恩典和慈愛,作她們隨時的幫助.我們也求神記念百萬的信徒母親每天兒女能歸向神的忠心祈禱。

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