Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Prayer Request 8/5--8/11

"Beijing Welcomes You" has become a hugely popular music video. Created for the Olympics, it includes many of the celebrities from Mainland, Taiwan and Hong Kong. “Everyone who has a dream is great, miracle comes with courage, let us strive and surpass ourselves," is part of its lyrics. We ask for God's blessings as the world's attention turn to China during the Olympics. May the Name of God alone be glorified and believers of China catch a renewed sense of mission for the century.

Catching the Olympic fever, Pepsi Cola which has traditionally used blue packaging, has changed to red, the color China uses to promote enthusiasm for their team. As the government tightens security ahead of the Games, Beijing house churches are under pressure to be low-profile and are facing increased limitations. Let us pray for them as they desire to share the gospel publicly now and during the time of the Olympics as well.

Understanding a Chinese menu can be tricky for both Chinese and foreigners. Finally there is an "official" menu with English names. "Husband and wife's lungs" is "Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce" and "Lion's head" is "Braised Pork Balls in Soy Sauce". Finding out exactly what many Chinese churches believe can be difficult because it often depends on the leadership and teachers there. Many have false and extreme interpretations of the Bible. We pray for strong and solid doctrinal teaching and humility in all of the churches.

The east side of Shanghai, Pudong district, has boomed since 1990 and boasts some impressive symbols of modern China. However, the western side, Old Shanghai, is still the heart and soul of the city for both residents and tourists. Prosperity and pride are commonly regarded as the hallmark traits of the people of Shanghai. Among Chinese churches, Shanghai plays a key role, especially in those that are registered. We pray for revival and passion for God in all of the churches in Shanghai.

Having an expensive and elaborate meal and putting it on the company tab as "official" business is very much a normal part of lives in China. This is a practice grossly abused but seemingly it can't be curbed. Being ethical means going against the norm which is the acceptable practice. Let us pray for integrity and the fear of God for all believers, especially those in business.

The government does not release numbers on how many people are executed each year, but a foreign organization estimates it to be about 8,000 people. While the Chinese courts wish to lower the number, surveys consistently show that the people on the streets want these death sentences to deter crimes and corruption. Hatred for criminals and corrupt officials affects believers deeply and their demand for punishment diminishes their compassion for these people, making them all less compassionate. Let us pray for compassion and concern for the lost in all Chinese churches.

There are more than a hundred cities in China with a population of more than 1,000,000 people each. All of them are experiencing a building boom so they will be known as modern cities. Existing churches tend to be in the old city centers and many of them are dilapidated and being town down for the new projects. We remember all the churches facing relocation or rebuilding issues. Pray that their congregations will benefit from their new facilities and find enthusiasm to go out and evangelize their new neighborhood.

“北京歡迎你”錄製成大受歡迎的音樂影片。這是為北京奧運而特別製作的,參與演唱者包括許多中港台巨星。唱道:“有夢想誰都了不起、有勇氣就會有奇蹟. 讓我們加油去超越自己!” 奧運會期間,當世界皆定睛注目中國的同時,求神賜福,願他自己的名被高舉,中國眾信徒對這個世紀有個全新的使命感。

百事可樂搶搭中國奧運的順風車,把原本藍色為主的包裝改成象徵中國國家代表隊的紅色。近來北京的教會,也因著奧運期間受到更多的限制,聚會、運作及傳福音的工作受到影響,讓我們在主裡記念他們,也使他們在奧 運期間,能為主做那美好的見証。

中國的菜單的許多菜名不但外國人難懂,中國人自己有時候也很難明白。備受海內外關注的《中文菜單英文譯法》終于將正式出臺。如“夫妻肺片”新版譯法爲“Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce”(辣椒醬牛肉和黃牛肚),“紅燒獅子頭”譯爲“Braised Pork Balls in Soy Sauce”(醬油燉豬肉丸)。許多中國牧者對聖經的錯誤理解和詮釋,造成教導上的偏差,甚至偏向極端。教會的信仰深受領袖和教師左右,因此要準確了解每個教會對神學的信仰並非易事,求主讓中國的衆教會能夠謙卑渴慕追求真理,並且能獲得正確而扎實的教導。

上海的東區 - 浦東,自1990年便興旺了起來, 其發展和建設成了現代中國的標誌。然而,對於來說, 西部的老上海依舊是居民和遊客眼中的上海市的心臟和靈魂。富裕和自傲幾乎是上海人的標記特徵。上海在中國教會之中,是個要角,特別是有正式登記的那些。我們為上海所有教會的復興以及對上帝的渴慕之心來禱告。

在中國, 欲全面杜絕官員貪污並不容易,其中,“超標接待”和“假公濟私”便是公務接待中存在的兩大突出問題。即使是基督徒也很難逃離這些惡習的誘惑。求神保守他自己的兒女無論是在教會內外都能成為一個忠心的好管家.

中國當局並未公布每年的執行死刑的人數,但國外觀察組織估計至少有8000宗。 北京當局已經有意減低死刑的數量,但民意調查顯示老百姓強烈支援以死刑杜絕罪犯和舞弊。 對罪惡和貪污的厭惡也深深的影響著信徒,以至於他們懲治罪犯的意念,遮蓋了惻隱之心。讓我們為他們禱告,讓中國信徒有基督憐憫罪人的胸懷,能去關心失喪的人。

在中國, 人口密度多過一百萬人的城市為數過百。這些城市陸續地被大事興建,以成為所謂的現代城市。而教會多數是建在舊的城市中心,許多老舊的教會將被翻新或重建。我們為所有面對拆遷或重建問題的教會禱告,求神讓會眾能夠在重建後的新設施下受益,并且更充滿熱忱的向他們的新鄰里傳福音。

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