Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Prayer Request 7/1 – 7/6

1.2 million Chinese students have gone abroad to study, making China the country with the most students abroad. About one quarter of them have returned to China to work or start their own businesses. Many accepted Jesus while studying abroad and a good number have returned with the intention to share their faith. We pray for them and their families because they need lots of psychological and spiritual preparation for their return and in order to continue to serve faithfully.

People and freight have been able to cross the Taiwan Strait directly through 3 ports for a while now. But far more Taiwanese have entered China than Mainland Chinese have gone to Taiwan. This trend is supposed to continue as direct commercial flights and tourism will take place soon. We pray that churches on both sides will benefit from this historic opening of travel. Taiwan churches have been helping Mainland churches, but we hope to see God use the Mainland believers be of great encouragement to the Taiwan churches as well.

Textile, shoes, clothing and toys make up the majority of Made in China exports. However, these industries are facing severe setbacks because of WTO-imposed tariffs, anti-dumping, appreciation of yuan and the rise of material costs. The sense of economic boom may be leveling off as the economy cools. Let us pray for renewed trust in the Lord and a heart of thanksgiving and cheerful giving for all believers.

There has been a substantial improvement in the Sino-Japanese relationship in the past year. Both sides have managed to resolve the long-standing dispute of the territorial water and future below-sea oil-fields exploration. Anti-Japanese sentiment has decreased significantly. Very few Chinese churches ever consider Japan as a mission field, despite Japan's proximity and it being the least evangelized nation. Let us pray for true forgiveness to overcome deep-seated hatred from WWII and true love for the people of Japan.

Many of the churches in China have the anti-intellectual tendency, even considering any formal theological training as a waste. These same churches tend to avoid interacting with the community and culture in general and regard themselves as far more spiritual than others. Distrust and even outright pride exist among many Chinese churches. It is unfortunate that traditions and petty differences in theology divide believers. Let us pray for true humility and acceptance of each others.

With the recent improvement of relationship with Japan and Taiwan, Beijing is riding high in its role of leadership in the Asian countries. The upcoming Games have also propelled China to her long-coveted position as the center stage of East Asia. Not surprisingly, Chinese believers also feel extremely proud of their country, and are also praying that restrictions on church meeting will cease. We praise the Lord as believers are able to pray for leaders in all levels and gaining favors of the officials.

The total of dead and missing is over 80,000 in the recent earthquake, and students probably account for over 10,000 of that number. Many "tent schools" are providing education on a temporary basis. Permanent reconstruction will take several years. Parental frustration and accusation of high casualties of students have led to growing protest.There are probably more Christian workers now in this area than ever before in history.We pray Sichuan will become a fertile soil for the Gospel and churches there will be healthier and stronger.

中國出國留學人 數,已達121萬人,全球最多。約四分之一留學人員(31.97萬人)己歸國工作或創業。不少留學生在海外信主後,意欲回國與家人和同胞分享福音,他們在 回國服事前,需要先做好心理準備和屬靈上的裝備。我們為他們的心志感恩,也禱告主預備他們事奉的道路,堅定他們和家人的心志,能得穩也走得遠。


中國製造的出口 商品主要包括布料,鞋子,衣物和玩具。但在世貿強制稅收、反傾銷、人民幣升值、原料漲價等重重影響下,這類工業正面臨嚴峻的市場萎縮。經濟放緩,把人們剛 嘗到經濟高飛滋味的興頭扯了下來。讓我們為基督徒在主裏的更新禱告,求神讓所有信徒重新有一顆感恩、喜樂的心,以及對主堅定不動搖的信心。

中日關係在過去 一年來,有顯著的進步。雙方都盡力妥善處理領土和領海爭執,以合作方式開發東海油田。中國國內抗日聲浪銳減。儘管日本與中國多有相似,很少中國教會把日本 列爲宣教工場,至今日本仍是傳福音佈道最少的國家。求神賜中國人寬恕的能力,抹去二戰種下的仇恨,好讓我們能對日本人民彰顯出神的真愛。

許多中國本土教 會有輕神學甚至反智主義的傾向。關起門來自認為屬靈,輕看甚至排斥文化使命、社會使命,逃避作鹽作光的責任。而許多華人教會之間存著互不信任和傲慢的態 度,在傳統和神學觀上的些微差異,不幸竟也成為信徒分裂無法合一的因素之一。讓我們求神賜給每個信徒在主裏真正的謙卑,能夠互為肢體彼此接納,同心興旺福 音。

中國與日本、臺 灣的關係迅速改善,讓北京高居牽動亞洲各國家的樞紐。來臨的奧運會更進一步讓中國恢復其失落已久作爲東南亞中心的地位,感謝神!弟兄姊願意為執政掌權者來 禱告,為自己的國家感到自豪。現在教會正逐漸博得官員們的認可,讓我們為教會聚會的能受更少限制一起同心來禱告。

512地震,死 亡和失蹤人數超過八萬,單單學生就超過一萬人。許多地方用帳篷做成臨時學校讓孩子們能恢復上課。整體的重建工程需耗時數年。悲傷的父母譴責當局是人爲因素 造成學生傷亡慘重,抗議群衆有增無減。現在在災區的基督教傳道和志工人數,是前所未有的多。求神使四川從此成爲福音的肥田,讓當地的教會更加健康、壯大。

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