Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Prayer Request 6/17 --6/23

Prior to the Sichuan earthquake, private charitable organizations were not considered to be important in China but NGO's have played a prominent and vital role in the rescue and rebuilding efforts. In this massive tragedy, God has allowed local churches and believers from all parts of China a rare opportunity to show their compassion and share their faith publicly. We praise Him and pray for a greater feeling of trust between churches and the government.

College tuition is now twenty times as much as it was fifteen years ago. To get married today costs about fifty times what it did in 1970. It is estimated that it now costs about $43,000 to $70,000 US to raise a child including education and marriage. Many people who work in the churches also have a second job to supplement their living expenses to help pay for their child's education. Let us pray they are both physically and spiritually strong enough to meet the demands of the people in their congregations and be able to feed their sheep adequately.

The average entry level salary for students graduating from college this year is about 2000 yuan ($280.US) which is almost 1000 yuan less than last year. In Beijing a young working professional who shares an apartment has a monthly expense of about 1700 yuan. Many college graduates still need some financial support from their parents. Let us pray for Christian college graduates as they seek the Lord's place for them to work and find a church where they can attend and serve.

In Chinese churches the ratio of male to female is about two to eight and usually women are the leaders in these places of worship. Such a preponderance of ladies has shaped the churches to be very feminine in their theological, cultural, structural, and ministry emphasis and given them a "soft-approach" fellowship style. We praise God for all of the faithful sisters who serve Him as Mary and Martha did but we intercede for the churches in China to be blessed with many more male believers.

It seems to be hard for men to become Christians in China. In most churches there, it is difficult to find young men who are twenty-two to forty-five years of age. Many of them still regard churches as feminine institutions and few men bring other men to church. By and large churches in China lack programs designed to attract males. Let us pray that more Christian Chinese men will be willing to share the gospel with their friends and that all of them will be models of godly fathers and husbands.

The Olympic Village in Beijing will have a cafeteria that seats 5000 people and prayer centers for athletes. All the housing units have been pre-sold as luxury apartments after the Olympics are over. Let us pray for churches in Beijing as they prepare for a busy summer. The media will be focusing on churches in the Beijing area. We pray especially for the open churches since they will certainly draw a large number of visitors and media exposure.

The government is trying to crack down on pollution, especially the dumping of chemical waste into rivers and lakes. Water pollution has seriously affected the drinking water quality and supply in many regions. The love of money and sexual temptation are seriously polluting the lives of Chinese believers. Let us pray that God will guard all hearts and give an openness to discuss the dangers we face in a transparent, effective, and accountable way.








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