Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Prayer Request 1/1 --1/6

A historic meeting of 5000 Christians came from China and met after Christmas in Hong Kong. They came from all parts of house churches in China and many of the attendees have served the Lord for many years. We thank the Lord for this new chapter in Chinese church history. We are also grateful as a younger generation of church leaders begin to serve in more prominent role.

Stores in China celebrated Christmas with decorations, Santa Claus and even Nativity scenes. Despite the ubiquitous presence of these displays, sales and parties, few Chinese knew the meaning of Christmas, other than a Western holiday like Valentine's Day. Many churches hosted special Christmas events and invited new friends to their services. Let us pray as churches continue to follow up with these newcomers and those who are the so-called lukewarm Christmas church- attendees.

The government is behind the renaissance of Confucianism. Many key universities, and also the elementary schools, are promoting the recitation and study of Confucius’ classical writings. People are turning to Confucianism as a religion, as a remedy for China’s many social illnesses. Let us pray for such a worrying trend, especially among the young intellectuals, who would prefer a Chinese “homegrown” religion to Christianity.

There are very few full-time preachers left among rural churches nowadays. Many have to work another job to support their families and provide education for their children. As rural churches continue to face the aftermath of a huge exodus of young believers, let us pray for the morale of all remaining church workers. May the Lord strengthen them with His words so they would be better equipped to teach His Word.

All over China one can see the slogan "Socialist Harmonious Society." After Marx-Leninism and capitalism, this is China's next alternative to improving society. As far as churches go, Western style methods may not be the answer for those in China either. Let us pray for God's own unique model for these places of worship, whether it is Three-Self or house churches.

For twenty years now there has been Sunday School curriculum and teacher training in China, but only a few churches offer programs for children beyond elementary school. Pastors really need the vision to reach out to teens in junior high and high school. Millions of teens are lost from churches yearly. Let us remember this gaping hole in the church ministry in China.

In China evening television prime time is 7:00-9:30 with an average audience of 692 million. During the daytime an estimated 58 million TV sets are turned on but these numbers reflect only those who watch free TV programming. Evening services, especially on weekends, do not attract a large audience. Many say that only the old and the faithful attend weekend services. Let us pray for a deep hunger for the Word of God in the hearts of all believers.

在 2007 年終,五千名來自中國各教會的信徒一同聚首於香港,參加為期四天的聚會,當中不乏忠心事主多年的老牧者。感謝讚美主, 對於中國教會來說,這實在是一個歷史性的聚會。我們也為中國年輕一代的教會領袖感恩,由於他們在事奉上所承擔的角色日見重要,求主親手引領、扶持。



農村教會的專職傳道已少之又少。許多傳道爲了家計生活費以及兒女的教育, 都必須兼職。當農村教會必須持續面對年輕信徒出走的衝擊,讓我們特別為留下來服侍的牧師和傳道人禱告。求神重整他們的思維,重振他們的士氣,並讓他們從神的話語中得著更好的裝備來訓練信徒。




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