Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Prayer Request 6/19-- 6/25

Some provincial governments are bringing in large revenue collecting penalties from those who violate the one-child policy. Fines vary greatly and loopholes encourage outright bribery. It is said that rich people simply buy their way to have more children. Many Wenzhou believers are able to have more than one child. We take this time to pray for all the second-generation believers in Wenzhou church. May the Lord use their experience of Sunday School growing up to help many churches who never have seen children's ministry .

In an unusual move, China executed the chief man in charge of food and drugs for bribery. The sentence was imposed to punish two crimes: corruption and rampant unsafe food and drug problems. In the past year attacks by cults have lessened after police cracked down on them. However, congregations which were taken over by cultist groups are now in ruin. Many gave up church attendance or became spiritually lost. Let us remember all these injured sheep and pray that stronger believers will help them recover .

More than half a million people have signed up as Olympic volunteers and in the Beijing area seventy percent of them are college students. Volunteerism is a relatively new concept but it is catching on fast in China, especially among the young people. Many college students participate in off-campus charitable causes but are still monitored by the student's Party chapter. Let us pray again for the spiritual vitality of Bible study groups and meeting places attended by college students

China has transitioned remarkably from a “One big rice bowel” Communist society to “Let a few be rich first” economy. In his last years, Deng Xiaoping had worried correctly about the inequality of wealth and polarization of the society. We praised the Lord as many churches have benefited from the economic boom too. Let us remember all the wealthy churches as they will see the need of poor churches and become a blessing to others, not just focusing on their own needs locally .

During the Cultural Revolution, being equally poor was the unintended result. Later, Deng Xiaoping had envisioned a China with her people equally rich, but that has proven to be illusive goal. The disparity between the wealthy churches on the coastal provinces and the poor churches inland is dramatic. We pray for the smaller rural churches badly in need of training for their workers and pastors, and the larger churches who are supporting them .

Chinese public toilets are infamous. But, government has decided to build 20,000 new ones and remodel 52% of all existing facilities before 2010. Many churches will be undergoing remodeling this year, but many more will have to do with what the antiquated facilities. As congregations raise funds for church remodeling and rebuilding, let us pray that strong sense of unity will arise and passion for mission rekindled .

According to survey, the new Chinese immigrants are coming to Australia not necessarily to make money but to enjoy a relaxed life style. Good weather and slower pace of life are big attractions especially for the retirement age Chinese. Retirees tend to give less because they are on fixed income. Let us pray for willingness in giving and healthy growing church in Australia. We remember especially the Chinese churches in Sydney and Brisbane as they have enjoyed a large influx of new immigrants .

對應一胎化政策,一些地方官員平時放鬆讓老百姓超額生育,一旦緊抓嚴打起來則對超生者大擧罰款收費. 超生罰款制度紕漏重重,亦成爲貪汙腐敗的源頭,只要有錢就可以多生的傳聞不絕。許多溫州信徒都能生育超過一個孩子。這些孩子們很多都能從小在主日學裏學習和成長,求主讓溫州信徒們有機會以自己的經歷幫助其他沒有兒童事工經驗的教會。



社會主義在鄧小平的推動下,從“大鍋飯”制度走向“先富起部分有條件的人”. 在鄧小平晚年時,市場經濟雖蓬勃發展,卻也出現他所擔心的經濟兩極化。國內許多教會在經濟發展下受惠,我們為這些豐裕的教會感謝神,也求主幫助他們放眼四周的需要,成爲其他貧困教會和信徒的幫助和祝福。




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