Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Prayer Request 3/13-- 3/19

170,000 young couples tied the knot in Beijing last year, which is nearly double the number in 2005. Several contributing reasons for the increase were that the “post-1980 generation” was readied for family, the influx of young professionals, and 2006 being an auspicious year for marriage. Young professionals are the core of many house churches in Beijing. Let us pray for their vibrant ministry, commitment to the Word of God, and the need for marriage counseling .

Housewives in Shenzhen think of themselves as having the lowest quality of life in China, while their counterparts in Changsha, Shanghai, and Chengdu have a much better lifestyle. The three biggest worries of urban women are their own careers, the education of their children, and the mortgage on their houses. Let us pray for all the sisters who must balance themselves among the demands of a career, being a mother, and helping in the church. We remember especially the divorcees who must do these things by themselves.

A trend among the churches in China is called the “Migration Missionaries,” where several families sell what they have and move together to the western provinces to work among the target group. Their sending church will support them with 300 yuan monthly for a year. Such a team approach with mutual support produces higher success and fruits. Let us pray for many of these teams, especially those working among ethnic minorities who still harbor resentment toward the Han Chinese .

Churches often select couples who have been married for a long time to be their Migration Missionaries: to find a job and be self-sufficient where they will serve. A new area for such mission efforts is in the Russian Far East, where churches in the northeast are sending teams. Let us pray for the mission effort of many churches and their missionaries who they sent out and are not expected back at all. We pray for their labor and sowing and harvesting .

The Guangzhou train station is a literally a sea of humanity. The half-kilometer radius area is the special window to the modern China. All kinds of social vices are found there as millions of mingong transit through this key rail station in south China. Let us pray for churches in Guangzhou which have inspired the churches in China in the last century. Many house churches in this cosmopolitan city enjoy vibrant ministry but need to expand to reach out to the poorer believers from the rural regions .

In the past 20 years, 1/3 of the 600,000 population of Changle, Fujian in the southern coast of China have immigrated to the New York City area. It is estimated that for every one resident emigrated, 20 or more family members could later apply for immigration. Most of the Changle immigrants are young and work in the restaurants and shops. They favor their own dialects. Let us pray for need of salvation and ministry among this large subgroup of immigrants in America .

What to buy as gift when returning to China is a headache for many because everything is “Made in China.” Name brands are lot more expensive in China. Cosmetics, chocolate, American jing seng, jeans and Italian shoes are popular.
Many believers will also take back Bibles, recordings of sermons, and Bible study materials. Let us pray that these materials will be great spiritual gifts, for the recipients and their churches .








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