Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Prayer Request 1/16 --1/22

In the old days, people worried about having enough "firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea" to get by. Now, people worry about whether stocks will do well, whether train and airlines tickets and cell phone bills will be lower, whether utilities bills will go higher and whether houses will be affordable again. Wages are not catching up with the rising costs of living, especially for the church workers and most of people. Let us remember all who continue to trust the Lord to provide and continue to serve wherever they have been called by God .

Street vendors, licensed and unlicensed, seem to be part of Chinese cities. Major cities including Guangzhou are clamping down on unlicensed vendors with high fees and fines to improve the appearances of the city. Selling on streets is often the easiest way to earn a living for those who enter cities for work. Let us pray for hundreds of thousands of rural believers who have left their homes, seeking better lives in cities. We pray for their spiritual lives, continuing their walk with the Lord and finding a place of fellowship and worship .

"Get Rid of the Landlord" is a hot new poker game. A simple card game for three persons, its only objective is to get rid of the "landlord"- one of the three players. Such recreation allows venting of anger against real-life villains encountered during the day. Believers encounter injustices every days and we are commanded to love those who persecute us. Let us pray for all who are being persecuted for being good. May the Lord comfort them with His own Word .

In Shanghai, in the 5000 legally registered foot-massage parlors, there are about 300,000 employees. All are young people from other provinces who have learned on the job and 95% of them are not properly trained or licensed. For countless rural young people with no marketable skills an attractive option for work is to become a foot masseuse. The rural churches in China have suffered as they have left to go to work in the cities. We continue to pray for revival and diligence for all who work in the village churches .

It is the dream and duty of every Muslim to make a pilgrimage to Mecca. In 2006, 9600 Chinese Muslims went to Mecca in thirty-one charter planes. The government now allows only group pilgrimages because many do not have enough money to return home.Islam has enjoyed resurgence in China and especially in western China it is attracting faithful adherents. Let us pray for the low-key ministries which are discouraged by the government and often resisted by their communities themselves .

Shanghai leads the rapidly graying population of China with one in five residents a senior. In the same time, the men in Shanghai also have the dubious honor of being overweight and out rightly obese (37%). There is a great need for ministry to the elderly, not only older believers but an outreach to seniors in the communities. Such work is best done by older believers who work one on one with the seniors. We pray for a vision and burden for such a ministry by churches as well as the needed training and resources .

According to a recent survey in Hunan, half of those who have graduated from college are getting only 1000 yuan a month--not much better than migrant laborers earn. Graduates of the more famous schools earn about 1200 yuan. Many have begun to question the economic benefit of attending college. Most church workers make far less than migrant workers but Chinese believers rarely talk about how much they should compensate their church workers. We pray that all of the churches in China will treat their shepherds fairly .



「斗地主」是最近在流行於中國湖北一帶的3人撲克牌遊戲,玩法簡單,娛樂性強,而且老少咸宜。據說昔日在地主橫行的鄉里,人們為了發泄對地主的痛恨,在一天的勞作之後,一家人關起門來「斗地主」。 信徒也常在生活中遇到很多不公平的事,但神卻教導我們要愛仇敵,為逼迫我們的人禱告。讓我們為所有因信仰而遭受迫害的信徒禱告。求神保守並用祂自己的話語來安慰他們。





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