Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Prayer Request 10/31 -- 11/6

Chairman Mao's oldest son died at age 28 in a bombing raid in the Korean War in 1950. According to a new memoir, when Mao heard of his son's death, he said, "It's all right. There are always casualties in war." Self-sacrifice has long since become only "talk" and people in this "money talks" society even laugh at it. We praise the Lord for many who have answered the call to serve in remote and rural settings in China forsaking better pay and urban living .

This month is the 70th anniversary of the famed "Long March" of the Red Army in 1934-36. The fledgling Communist Army consisted of 20 - 30 year-old recruits (generals whose average age was 25) who literally marched an average of 37 kilometers daily. It is rather difficult to find a group of 20 - 30 year-old believers in a Chinese church. Many who believed when they were students have been lost to follow-up once they began working. We need to pray for the people in this gap and what churches can do to minister to them .

Although cheap factory labor seems to be advantageous right now, the retention rate of workers in most factories is low because they tend to jump from one company to another any time they find higher wages. We see the same phenomenon in people who work for the Lord in that they switch from one ministry to another. We pray for foresight for all who support Christian ministry in China that they will not merely support a church worker for a while but will take them as holistic co-workers/partners for life .

In Israel there are thousands of Chinese construction workers who are there on multi-year contracts and live in work camps. There are also about one hundred Chinese students in various universities. Amazingly, there are several Chinese churches in this country. As Christmas draws near, we pray that these Chinese will have the unusual opportunity to accept Jesus as their Savior in the land where He was born. We also remember the growth of all the Christian churches there .

China is now exporting books and the copyrights to them. As more and more Westerners have become interested in Chinese authors, Chinese novels are now being translated. Books on learning Chinese, however, still lead exports. There are many non-Chinese in overseas Chinese churches. Some are married to Chinese people and others have a great love for the Chinese culture and people. We remember this special group, especially those who are retired missionaries but still minister to Chinese .

Since 1994, educators in Taiwan have been pushing "Smaller schools and classes" to improve the quality of education. Currently, the average size of classes in elementary school is only 30 students (down from 39 ten years ago). The attendance at Sunday school has been decreasing in Taiwan. Part of this downward trend is caused by heavy loads of school work and the availability of entertainment. Let us pray against this alarming trend and for the need to emphasize children's ministry .

In modern China image is everything. For an amount equal to three month's salary image consultants offer clients advice on the color and style of clothes, make up, posture, body language, speech, and mannerisms. It is no longer an easy task to describe what a typical modern Chinese believer looks like. Let us pray for the tens of thousands of believers who are high-ranking officials, serving in the military or Public Security who must keep the image of a Party member.






台灣教育界自1994年提出推行「小班小校」 以提高教育品質,國小每班平均人數由10年前的39人降至30人。主日學的參加人數近年來也不斷降低,原因卻不是爲了提高素質,而是因爲學校功課日愈增多,以及各樣的娛樂占據了孩子們的時間。讓我們特別爲主日學學生大量流失的現象禱告,也求主讓衆教會都能看到需要加強第二代或兒童事工的迫切性。


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