Monday, October 02, 2006

Prayer Request 10/3-10/9

Many famous Chinese brands have their original store in Shanghai. The city has been the commercial and religious center of China for the past two centuries. In the past two years, 60% of those who received baptism in Shanghai had college education, and among them, 1 in 4 were people who returned after studying abroad (hai guai). We thank the Lord for this exciting change in the makeup of new Chinese believers. May the Lord use them to be the light and salt of the commercialized modern Chinese society .
According to a recent survey of Chinese high school students, the “most influential authors to young people” are not the traditional big names but authors who are only 20-30 years old who write about the struggle of youth in school and friendships. “What do the young Chinese believers read?” and “Who inspires the young Chinese believers?” are much harder questions. Let us pray for the emergence of good role models of sacrificial serving and devotion to God for the next generation of believers .
Living in a school dorm is a reality and trend for many Chinese elementary school children. Parents are told that this promotes better study habits and students go home only on weekends. Separation from parents at even the tender age of 6-10 years old is common, and churches and parents are losing opportunities to share faith with this new generation. Let us remember all these children whose parents are believers but live away from home .
The month-long mass demonstration demanding the resignation of Taiwan’s President continues to divide people on the island. Churches have been drawn into this high political drama. In many heated speeches, speakers invoke both the names of God and Chinese gods. Politics and churches have been intertwined in the past decades. Let us pray for the healing of all the Taiwanese and especially the unity and harmony of believers in Taiwan .
The legal marriage age for Chinese men is 22 and for women 20. Officially, young people are encouraged to marry at an even later age. For ethnic minorities the law is changed to 20 for men and 18 for women. When marrying someone from the ethnic minority groups Han Chinese must follow the stricter age guideline. There are many believers among the ethnic minorities, especially in southwest China. We pray for spiritual maturity in the young families and for their continuing to serve in the church .
In 2005, there were 470 new Christian book titles published in Chinese. More than 3/5 are translations of North American bestsellers. The number of Christian book titles printed in Chinese is increasing by 50 books a year, but the number of Christians has not changed at all. Let us pray for more Chinese authors and books that will challenge Chinese believers to live more godly and serve the Lord more effectively, rather than imitate fads and what is culturally foreign.
“Chinese students studying abroad,” a T.V. documentary, will be shown in October. Studying abroad is the dream for every Chinese student and will dramatically alter one’s life and even family fortune. Being exposed to Christianity and becoming a believer is also the “byproduct” of studying abroad. We pray for the spiritual vitality and faithful serving of all who have become believers as students. May the Lord use them to reach many other fellow students .

中國許多著名的 老字號,是從上海起家。兩個世紀以來,上海一直都是商業和宗教的中心。過去兩年,在上海接受洗禮的基督徒當中,60%有大學程度,其中海外歸國學人占 1/4。在中國,一般人對基督徒的印象為沒有文化水平的迷信者,讓我們特別為這個變化與新的肢體感恩,求神使用他們,在這日趨商業化的都市裏做光做鹽。
最近一個文學網 站所發起的“影響青少年的作家排行榜”結果出爐,在這排行榜上的不是傳統名作家,而是20-30歲的當紅新人,他們寫作主題多半圍繞著青少年的校園生活、 感情及成長事跡。“中國年輕信徒在讀什麽呢?”,“是誰在影響中國年輕一代的信徒呢?”這些都是值得深思的問題。我們求神興起更多能毫不自私地服事,而且 願意爲主完全擺上的人,來成爲能夠讓中國年輕信徒學習效法的榜樣。
讓孩子從小學就 開始住校在中國已經日趨普遍,學童只能在周末回家。許多父母親相信這樣能更能的培育孩子的讀書習慣。但是,孩子自小(6-10歲之間)與父母分開,父母和 教會都失去了影響下一代屬靈生命的機會。讓我們為著因不得已而與孩子分開的父母,仍能在信仰上成爲孩子的榜樣來禱告,也求主保守這些孩子,在周末與家人團 聚時有美好的教會生活,沐浴在天父永遠無比的愛中。
近月來台灣一連 串罷免總統運動,無論是支持或是反對方都舉辦多場大型活動。政治人物在演説中以神明,上蒼,或上帝之名為自己的政治理念背書的情形明顯的加增,也有教會因 會友或牧師個人言論而被貼上政治標籤,社會中彼此對立的情況不斷升高。讓我們特別為台灣與特別同為神國子民的弟兄姊妹們禱告,求親自神縫補這個裂痕,也藉 著教會帶來醫治與和諧。
中國政府鼓勵人 民晚婚,法定的結婚年齡:男的不得早於22歲,女的為20歲。但是,少數民族的結婚年齡通常都很低,他們的法定可婚年齡被降低為:男20,女18。然而, 與少數民族結婚的漢人仍必須嚴格遵照較高的年齡規定。西南部的少數民族中有許多基督徒。讓我們特別為這些少數民族的年輕信徒家庭禱告,求神賜他們成熟的屬 靈生命,幫助建立基督化家庭,也在教會忠心的服事。
在2005年, 新出版的基督教中文書籍有470冊,其中超過半數(3/5)為北美暢銷書的譯本。中文基督教書籍出版量年增約50本(從370本,420本,到470 本),反觀基督徒人口總人數卻沒有顯著的改變,因為”市場”狹小,經營基督教出版社實在是個很大的挑戰。讓我們為基督教中文出版社及基督徒作家來禱告,求 神藉著他們帶出更多具挑戰和啟發性的出版品來激勵中國信徒,而僅僅只是一味的追隨和仿效外國異文化的時尚觀念。
一部名稱為“留 學生”的電視系列紀實片,將於十月份播出。到海外留學是許多中國學生的夢想,因爲這將能夠改變一個人的一生,甚至全家人的幸福。留學生在海外很自然地有許 多機會接觸基督教,成爲基督徒則是可能的“副產品”。讓我們特別記念已經成爲基督徒的留學生,為他們生命的更新和靈命的成長代禱,求主復興他們並能忠心的 為主做見證,帶領更多學生歸主。

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