Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Prayer Request 5/30--6/5

A major coal mine tragedy hit Shanxi province, with 57 miners missing. High demand for coal and high wages for such a dangerous job lead to frequent safety violations. The government immediately arrested those who were in charge of the mine operation. Mining is the most dangerous profession in China. 6,000 miners perished last year. Serving the Lord in China has risks and dangers too. Let us pray for comfort for the families of all the lost miners and those who are not able to be united with their families .

China has 1.35 million nurses but is considered to have the lowest number of nurses per capita. The traditional Chinese medical mentality emphasizes treatment, not nursing care. Currently, China faces a shortage of 1 million nurses. Despite the shortage, China “exports” nearly 800 nurses yearly, mainly to the Middle East and Singapore. Let us pray for countless Christian nurses who openly share their faith with patients, in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong .

Actress Gong Li and Miss Li, the amateur winner of Super Female Voice contest, were among those honored as “The 50 Most Beautiful Chinese.” Miss Li is considered tomboyish and fair in appearance; she beat out many other well-known actors and actress. Several house church leaders were honored by President Bush recently. We pray for tens of thousands more who serve the Lord silently and sacrificially, who will only be honored as “most faithful servants” by God Himself .

200 million Chinese live with less than one US dollar a day, at a level of extreme poverty set by the UN. According to China’s own poverty level, there are still 23 millions who live with less than 683 yuans (85 USD) a year, without enough to eat. The chasm between the wealthy and the extreme poor has become so appalling. Let us pray for China’s churches in discovering their call and role in showing compassion and reaching out to the poor .

Surprisingly, 70 % of Chinese professionals are “dissatisfied” accordingly to a semi-official survey. Teachers, health care workers and reporters are the worst off. Dissatisfaction is defined as lack of “meaning,” “reasonable reimbursement” or “job security.” We do not know how satisfied China’s church workers are. Let us remember the dedication and faithfulness of all those who serve because they love the Lord even though wages are so low. We too pray for the spiritual renewal of all who have given up ministry .

40% of Beijing junior and high school student are deeply involved in Internet fortune- telling. Nationwide, about half of the young people believe there are benefits in such a practice and would base their decisions on fortune-telling. 2 in 3 high school students tried using online fortune-telling for fun. Let us pray for this alarming trend and for the guarding of young believers who are also tempted to try such practices .

The Sports Lottery issued in 1984 by the government in the Fujian Province is the oldest and biggest gambling system in all of China. Tickets are sold nationwide and contribute greatly to Fujian's sports-related industries, games, promotions and advertising. On the southern coast, Fujian was once the stronghold of Christian churches and schools in China. Churches there have been vibrant but recently have had their activities restricted. Let us remember the vitality of all the believers and workers there .



中國女演員鞏俐和超級女聲得獎者李宇春分別當選《中國最美50人》的第一名、第二名。李宇春一向是中性打扮、雖非國色天香之姿,卻打敗所有中港台三地的男女明星。一些中國教會的領導者最近也被 美國總統布希接見,讓我們在此特別紀念成千上萬默默服事主、為羊群犧牲擺上的工人,他們或許沒有來自屬世的聚光燈表揚但有神親自的褒獎「最忠心良善的僕人」。





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