Nearly half of the children in China grow up cared for by grandparents. In Shanghai nearly sixty percent of those who are six years old or under are reared by their grandparents since both parents work away from home and this saves them money. Many children get to talk to their parents only once a week over the telephone. Parenting is difficult at best. Let us remember all the Christian parents whose children must be reared by their grandparents.
The AIDS epidemic is the worst in Yunnan province (28,000 cases) of any place in China. The leading causes are drug abuse and prostitution. In minority villages using intravenous drugs is rampant among young males. The government allows a limited amount of assistance from foreign medical experts to help with the HIV crisis. Let us pray for those who share the Gospel of Christ to those who are infected with HIV.
The unique fragrance and taste of "Thai Rice" makes it highly sought after and causes it to get the highest prices on the market. Chinese counterfeits that use inferior local rice sprayed with perfume and sells at half the price of the genuine rice has flooded most cities. "Buy it Cheap" even thought it is not real is a part of the Chinese mentality. Let us pray solemnly for the millions of believers who have been "cheated" into cults in the past decade .
China Catholics consecrated a 42 year-old bishop of Shanghai with the nod from the Vatican. While many regard an elderly bishop, Joseph Fan as the true bishop. It was said, after Fan’s death, Vatican will not recognize his successor and Chinese Catholics will be united then. In times of uncertainty and transition of the old to the young, let us pray for faithful finish among all the elderly ministers of God .
The capital city, Beijing, with a population of 14 million expects to have five million cars by 2020. For this city that was once packed with bicycles, now a day, daily traffic congestion and delay are the norm. Pastors in Beijing report that the present most common reason for not attending church is traffic delay and congestion. Let us pray especially for the heart and desire to worship God in all believers.
You might ask, "Whatever happened to all the provincial leaders?" One-sixth of Anhui province's party leadership (18 people) was removed because of corruption and graft. The government admits corruption is rampant among its ranks. Anhui has a large group of believers and several of the largest groups of house churches. Let us pray for the welfare of believers, especially for the purity and integrity of church leaders .
Government experts say that China can easily afford a 12-year government-sponsored mandatory education. Workers in house churches tend to have a limited education. Nearly all the teachers involved in training praise the desire of their students to learn but high school education is more often the exception than the norm. God uses the simple to confound the wise. Let us remember all the church workers and their weekly preparation process in teaching their flock .
安徽省總共有105個縣(區)委書記的職位,有18個貪汙瀆職,受查處的書記占總數的1/6強。縣委書記一職成爲腐敗的“重災區。”專家認為主要是上級的監督太遠,同級的監督太弱。 安徽境內有很多主內的肢體,讓我們為信徒的福利禱告,求主看顧與供應。也求主特別保守教會領袖持守聖潔、以得勝的生活見証建造信徒,榮耀主名。
政府專家認為國家財力狀況足以承擔延長12年義務教育的經費。目前中國的教育經費投入約占GDP的3%,低於世界5%的平均值。許多農村教會的信徒知識水平不高,但眾人熱心追求真理。在神面前,`1 聰明的反為愚昧,神往往撿選願意單純信靠他的人,讓我們記念農村中的同工和他們的羊群,願神豐盛靈糧時時的充滿。
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Prayer Request 7/5- 7/11
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