Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Prayer Request 7/26--8/1
China reevaluated its currency against the US dollar by two percent, following much pressure from Washington. Swelling exports and strong investments kept economic growth a higher-than-expected 9.5 percent. Currency exchange affects mission budget in many ways. Let us pray that there is more giving from the believers within China and from wealthy urban churches to rural churches
In May, the legislature passed legislation indicating zero tolerance for sexual harassment as well as forbidding the sex-selection technique. There are no official numbers for these problems in this nation which Mao proudly called "Women hold up half of the sky" Women pastors are common in the government churches and are the main force among the house churches. Let us remember all of them, their spiritual growth, and their families in our prayers .
Jia Zhangke, a leading movie director, was chosen as one of the most influential men in China. A new generation of Chinese movies has swept the Western world with rave reviews. These new crops of movies have captured the emptiness of modern China and the longings of all humanity. The new China shows us a land where the heart is empty in the face of a world crazed for money. Let us pray for the mighty sweep of the Holy Spirit in the Middle Kingdom .
Chinese Internet users have now surpassed one hundred million as both young and old take to the net. The first case of internet porn has been sentenced as the crackdown continues. Microsoft also cooperated with the government in blocking off offensive content in Blog. To a large extent, Christian internet contents remain unblocked. Let us pray for more internet-based ministries and a special effort to reach young internet users .
About one-fourth of Beijing residents are "white collar workers" who are college graduates working for private companies and making more than 2500 yuan (300 USD) a month. These people are admired by millions but face tremendous pressure in making ends meet in this expensive city. "White collar workers" make up a large number of the members of Beijing house churches. Their heavy work load and the many demands made on them cause most to be unable to serve in the churches. Let us pray that they will be dedicated and involve in church work .
Currently China spends nearly three times the amount of the national education budget on official perks and entertainment expenses annually Education expenses are the number one worry and burden for the vast population of farmers. Many rural church workers abandon their posts because they are unable to afford educational expenses on their low salaries. Others also feel this influence and are unwilling to go to the countryside to work for the Lord. Let us remember several ministries whose goal is to subsidize educational costs in order to retain rural pastors .
Half of the companies in Taiwan accept college degrees from China, although Taiwan does not officially recognize them. Education in China is deemed an advantage since the graduates are familiar with Mainland culture and have a more expansive world-view. While many mission workers are devoting their efforts and resources to work in Mainland China, fewer than 2.5% of the Taiwan population is Christians. Let us pray for all the short term mission efforts in Taiwan this summer .
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Prayer Request 7/19-- 7/25
"Will Chinese like Hong Kong style cooking?" While Cantonese cuisine is one of the best styles of Chinese cooking, experts in the food business are doubtful that the interior of China is ready to have restaurants from Hong Kong yet. Only one percent of the 200,000 people associated with the restaurant business in Hong Kong is Christian. Let us remember the effort by many churches to reach out to those working in restaurants there.
Panic broke out as a report came out that 95% of domestic Chinese beer contains an excess level of formaldehyde. China is the most robust market in the world for beer, a market hotly contested by international beer giants. A recent string of contaminated prducts in China has heightened the need for stringent quality control of food there. Let us remember again the need for the unadulterated Biblical message in all churches, not merely a social gospel or an extreme interpretation of the Bible .
A coal mine blast in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region killed more than eighty people. The mine owners violated safety measures and required nearly four times the safe level of production, did not get a safety license, and allowed poor management in the mines.With the energy price the highest ever, many operators ignore safety measures to achieve more production. As a result nearly six thousand miners die yearly. Let us remember all the churches in Xinjiang as well as the spread of the gospel among the Muslim people there..
How much is a life worth? Thirty-one victims of a recent hotel fire in Shantou will receive 200,000 yuan (24,400USD) each. Embarrassingly, most of the dead were girls serving as hostesses in KTV and mahjong joints. Hundreds of thousands of young women seek jobs in cities and end up in the sex trade. Let us pray against the inferno which lures and then traps them .
MacDonald withdrew an "insulting" ad in Xian which featured a Chinese man kneeling in front of a robot salesman begging for a discount. The ad says that people don't have to beg to get a discount at MacDonald. The insensitivity of Western humor in China has been a headache for foreign advertisers. Let us pray for the cultural understanding of all foreign missionaries learning to communicate Jesus to Chinese .
In China, strokes are the Number Two cause of death and the leading cause for disability. Each year seven million people are afflicted with strokes and four million are paralyzed. Nearly every family has at least one relative who has suffered a stroke. Caring for stoke victims is often disruptive and burdensome. Let us pray for patience and kindness for all believers who must care for paralyzed loved one .
According to US consulates in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, and Shenyang, the United Sates will issue fifty percent more student visas this year than last year. Every summer Chinese churches in the United States gear up to welcome thousands of newly arrived Chinese students for the Fall semester. Let us pray for a bumper crop of harvest for the Lord Jesus this year .
有媒體報導國內啤酒業使用甲醛充當穩定劑以降低成本,且95%的中國啤酒甲醛含量超標,引發日韓的恐慌, 韓國要求緊急收回,日本隨即展開全面調查。中國是全球最大的啤酒市場,是世界知名啤酒市場必爭之地。甲醛啤酒案再次突顯食品品管要求重要性。在信徒餵養上亦如是,讓我們再次為眾教會能供應純正合乎真道的教導,不是摻雜、偽裝為世俗主義的福音或走極端解釋聖經來禱告。
根據在上海、廣州、成都和瀋陽的美國領事館表示,美國將會核准比去年多出50%的留學簽証。 每個暑期,全美的華人教會都卯足精神迎接成千來自中國的秋季入學新生。讓我們禱告神賜眾肢體有智慧和愛心為主的禾場忠心耕耘澆灌,作好迎新的接待工作及佈道會,為主期許滿滿的豐收。
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Prayer Request 7/12 --7/18
Seventy percents of imported luxury furniture in China is counterfeit. Selling up to 50% discount, these items were made in China, but actually sent through the customs as imports. “Buyers Beware” is the motto of buying in China. Let us pray especially for the alarming trends of imported cults, funded with large budgets and causing great confusion among the believers.
Beginning July, government starts enforce “No liquor sell to minors”, which was enacted into law in 1999. News reports such effort is nearly impossible and expects spotty compliances among millions of retailer. Drinking hard liquor is so prevalent is China, children are exposed to them early in life. Tobaccos and alcohol advertisement even appears in children TV channels. Let us pray the growing epidemic of teen drinking and smoking.
Government opens air-raid shelters as heat waves hit. One such shelters in Chongqing is 17 acres in size, accommodates tens of thousands. Many of these Cold War facilities have been turned into underground malls. Chinese churches hold summer retreats usually in hotels or government-sponsored training facilities. Let us pray for their safety and fruitful ministry in raising up a generation of new leaders.
Neighbors whom Taiwanese homeowners hate the most: sex-related businesses and gangsters, couples who fight often, followed by those who ignore complaints about water leaks from their apartment. Sex-related businesses fill nearly every street in Taiwan. There are both a nuisance and temptation for the believers. In this islands where temples outnumbers churches 10 to 1, let us remember the 3000 plus churches.
Questionable Hepatitis vaccine cause 300 children ill and one death in Anhui. Panic over the safety of all vaccines and medications swept through the nation. In this country where counterfeit goods are the norm of life, let us pray for the spiritual health of millions of believers. Unorthodox teaching and cults have swept through many provinces.
2004年上海農村基本上已達全面小康程度,農民年均收入7,337元 (1,000美金),比上年增長10.2%,增幅爲近八年最高,在全國發展上也遠超其他農村地區。許多農民皆由安徽、河南兩省遷來,針對這些外來農民靈魂的需要,目前上海已新興很多相應的教會。讓我們為神對信徒的信實供應感恩,願主親自引領東南沿海各地上百的此類教會。
追求高檔次的消費者所購買的頂級進口家具,將近一半是國內仿製品出關繞一圈換貼外國品牌後再進關的洋假貨,真品家具可能不足三成。由於缺乏相應機構、法規對此仿冒行為的制裁, 50多家外商家具公司出資打假基金1千萬人民幣來保障自己的權益。進口貨不一定是正牌貨,消費者要「擦亮眼睛」,求主賜分辨的智慧給眾信徒,不論是「國產」或「進口」教師的教導,都要仔細察考,堅守純正的真理。
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Prayer Request 7/5- 7/11
Nearly half of the children in China grow up cared for by grandparents. In Shanghai nearly sixty percent of those who are six years old or under are reared by their grandparents since both parents work away from home and this saves them money. Many children get to talk to their parents only once a week over the telephone. Parenting is difficult at best. Let us remember all the Christian parents whose children must be reared by their grandparents.
The AIDS epidemic is the worst in Yunnan province (28,000 cases) of any place in China. The leading causes are drug abuse and prostitution. In minority villages using intravenous drugs is rampant among young males. The government allows a limited amount of assistance from foreign medical experts to help with the HIV crisis. Let us pray for those who share the Gospel of Christ to those who are infected with HIV.
The unique fragrance and taste of "Thai Rice" makes it highly sought after and causes it to get the highest prices on the market. Chinese counterfeits that use inferior local rice sprayed with perfume and sells at half the price of the genuine rice has flooded most cities. "Buy it Cheap" even thought it is not real is a part of the Chinese mentality. Let us pray solemnly for the millions of believers who have been "cheated" into cults in the past decade .
China Catholics consecrated a 42 year-old bishop of Shanghai with the nod from the Vatican. While many regard an elderly bishop, Joseph Fan as the true bishop. It was said, after Fan’s death, Vatican will not recognize his successor and Chinese Catholics will be united then. In times of uncertainty and transition of the old to the young, let us pray for faithful finish among all the elderly ministers of God .
The capital city, Beijing, with a population of 14 million expects to have five million cars by 2020. For this city that was once packed with bicycles, now a day, daily traffic congestion and delay are the norm. Pastors in Beijing report that the present most common reason for not attending church is traffic delay and congestion. Let us pray especially for the heart and desire to worship God in all believers.
You might ask, "Whatever happened to all the provincial leaders?" One-sixth of Anhui province's party leadership (18 people) was removed because of corruption and graft. The government admits corruption is rampant among its ranks. Anhui has a large group of believers and several of the largest groups of house churches. Let us pray for the welfare of believers, especially for the purity and integrity of church leaders .
Government experts say that China can easily afford a 12-year government-sponsored mandatory education. Workers in house churches tend to have a limited education. Nearly all the teachers involved in training praise the desire of their students to learn but high school education is more often the exception than the norm. God uses the simple to confound the wise. Let us remember all the church workers and their weekly preparation process in teaching their flock .
安徽省總共有105個縣(區)委書記的職位,有18個貪汙瀆職,受查處的書記占總數的1/6強。縣委書記一職成爲腐敗的“重災區。”專家認為主要是上級的監督太遠,同級的監督太弱。 安徽境內有很多主內的肢體,讓我們為信徒的福利禱告,求主看顧與供應。也求主特別保守教會領袖持守聖潔、以得勝的生活見証建造信徒,榮耀主名。
政府專家認為國家財力狀況足以承擔延長12年義務教育的經費。目前中國的教育經費投入約占GDP的3%,低於世界5%的平均值。許多農村教會的信徒知識水平不高,但眾人熱心追求真理。在神面前,`1 聰明的反為愚昧,神往往撿選願意單純信靠他的人,讓我們記念農村中的同工和他們的羊群,願神豐盛靈糧時時的充滿。