Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Prayer Request 5/10--5/16

On May 1st, 9 millions phone subscribers in Beijing received text messages from police saying, “Express patriotism rationally. Don’t take part in illegal protests. Don’t make trouble…Help by not creating trouble, love the nation by not breaking the law.” This is the first time government uses such technology to warn its citizens. Let us again remember Beijing churches and all those who participated in the various leadership training projects and retreats .

Golden Week (first week of May is national holiday) was the busiest for leisure travel for Chinese. 4.25 millions visited Hong Kong from China alone. Also, with the new “Panda Diplomacy” following Taiwanese Nationalist Party chairman visit, Taiwan expects Beijing to lift all restrictions of travel to the island. In 2004, Taiwanese made over 3.6 million trips to China, a 35% increase from 2003. Let us pray for even more opportunities of training and evangelism as cross-strait travel surges .

The Shanxi government set up a special isolated community to house those who have HIV. The community named “Green Harbor” is located in rural Linfen City, 10 km from the actual hospital. AIDS patients and their families cultivate the 4.67-hectare commuinty. What to do with the HIV/AIDS patients continues to trouble the Chinese. Linfen has a strong presence of believers. Let us pray especially for the people in this isolated community and for the vision of churches to reach out to them .

In Taiwan someone successfully commits suicide every 2.7 hours. Two-thirds of these are 20 to 40 years old. The city of Tainan in the South tops the list with the most suicides. Yearly 3200 people in Taiwan die from suicide. This is about equal to one per cent of the Christians on the island where fewer than three percent of the population is Christian. Let us pray especially for the churches in Tainan and one of the oldest seminaries on the island—the Presbyterian Seminary which is located there.

China becomes the second largest market for cosmetic surgery, after USA. Having double-lids is the leading procedure for women. Many are divorced women who seek to enhance their “second” chance of a better mate. The lives of divorced women, especially those with children are harsh and lonely in China. Let us pray for the sensitivity and acceptance of believers toward them are genuine and not superficial .

According to the Vatican, China has 12 million Catholics. There are a total of 5200 nuns (1700 in underground churches) and 120 aging bishops (average 74 years old). The average age of pastors in China is probably about the same. They have experienced the trying time during the Cultural Revolution. We praise the Lord for their dedication and faithfulness. But let us pray for a smooth transition of leadership and the raising up of a new generation of Joshuas .

Nearly 16% of marriage in Taiwan involves a foreign bride. Vietnamese ranks highest (70%) and Indonesians (12%) come second. Experts say this rapidly increasing trend is attributed to the fact that Taiwanese women in general have higher education than men. Traditional Chinese marriages expect men to be better educated and women prefer not to marry men who are not so well educated as they are. Let us remember many of the single women believers in all the churches and pray for their dedication and service . to God.



山西省政府在臨汾縣郊設立了一個HIV特別隔離社區 -「綠港」來安置愛滋病患。綠港距醫院有10公里,擁有4.67公頃農地供病患和其親屬耕種。臨汾地區的肢體在信仰上有美好的生命見証,但如何「正常的」面對愛滋病患仍困擾著中國人。讓我們特別為「綠港」的居民代禱,求神憐憫醫治他們,也感動肢體能有效關懷、幫助他們。





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